Chapter 1

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(Warning: author's own scenario)

Luna's pov:

" wake up guys,we gotta move if we don't wanna be bulldozed by Cody's uncle again." I reminded my siblings as they started to wake up. I'm sorry if I haven't introduced myself, my names luna Hamato and I'm basically the leader of my family. I've been keeping my close eye on Cody's uncle recently, feeling like something's off about him. I'm not sure of what it is exactly but I'm gonna find out, sooner or later. My great-grand mother Venus de Milo showed me and my siblings the masters of martial arts as a ninja and a konoichi, a female ninja.

She told me that the reason we hide from Cody's uncle is because she and Darius made a contract, that if she finds him experimenting me and my siblings she'll Try to find a way to close down O'Neil tech for good, but if she dies Darius will come after us to take 'good care' of us. So They made a deal and as years past she died from a tragic accident on her way home. I've kept her martial arts book as a way of teaching my siblings the masters of being a ninja under her honor, but...Apparently the deal was off, master Venus took us to a forbidden,hidden place where nobody can find us, until we were spotted somehow. I was barking orders at my siblings as me,Donnie and Ralph were packing foods,supplies and med, we were gonna get squashed by the wrecking ball that's gonna hit us in our abandoned building. Roxanne,violet and mike where packing our items,utensils and blankets as we when quickly and quietly by the shaking building that's getting ready to fall down on us.

" uh,guys! We gotta hurry!" Mike panicked as he saw Darius's minions starting the machine. I saw violet crying as she's hugging Roxanne,trying to calm her down.

" Ralph! Come on,we gotta go!" I hollered as I grabbed mike and started running towards the broken hole of the building. I let mike go first to crawl,then violet, Roxanne and Ralph. I was going to crawl until I heard a yelp from don.

" Venus! Help me,I'm stuck!" I turned to see Donnie's foot under a bunch of bricks,he's foot started to turn into an unusual color then green. I ran towards him as I jumped and slide under a few bricks on my way. When I got there I started pushing all the bricks as I put don's left arm over my head and jogged straight towards the exit. I put don down as he crawled,the building was shaking rapidly as the roof started to ca lapsed quickly. I crawled through the hole and grabbed don's arm again but this time we ran as fast as we could, I made sure to see if anybody was following us. When we reached towards the other side of the street, we where out of breath.

" this is a really bad time to get on my bad side right now." Ralph mumbled as he started to punch the alley walls for afew times as he sat down with Mikey while I lead Donnie on the wall so I can check on his sore foot.

" don't worry about my foot,I can fix this in a few minutes..thanks for not leaving me,Venus." Donnie said as he gave me a shyly smile.

" no turtle gets left behind." I replied as I gave him a smile for awhile then it remained into a neutral state. As I paced around the sidewalk back and forth,trying to come up with a plan on what's our next move anything that can keep us safe and under our roofs.

" sure wish great-grand father was here." Violet spoked quietly as she hugs Roxanne. I checked on don to see if he's ok, he started using his first aid-it-kit on his foot.

" what do we do now? We lost our home,where do we go?,what are we gonna eat? We left everything we've packed except our weapons and medicine?! It's all back at home which it's being bulldozed! And television!? Video games?! My skateboard?!" Mike asked with tons of questions spreading from his mouth which Ralph was getting a little twitchy about it as he stand up and smacked Mikey across his head.

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