Chapter 2

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(warning:author's own scenarios.)

Ralph's pov:

" WHAT THE SHELL?!" I said in shock at the sight. Venus sighed as she walked up to us.

" look guys, let me explain." She said as I crossed my arms adding an impatient foot tapping on the solid ground.

" they are our great grand fathers." Venus said which made don,Roxanne and mike run up to the three turtles and the rat. I just stayed next with Venus and Cody. Just as I saw Cody,I charged at him by bringing him down which only turned into a rolling ball all over the room. Me and Cody are like the same mind sets except for nerds stuff, I don't do those things that destroys to the human brain with boredom, but Cody still has his fun side which I still enjoy. We even start calling each-other weird names to keep up the fun.

" redhead!"

" hothead!"





We stopped when we heard a ' ahem' we looked up to see Venus tapping her foot patiently for me and Cody to finish our reunion.

" you guys done before we can track down mike's great grand father yet? Or should I do this on my own again like last week." Venus reminded us as I stand up dusting my body. From the looks of it last weeks was all chaos, Venus wasn't even in her room or in the dome at all, me and my siblings thought that Darius had her which made my blood run cold by the sound of that, but it a good thing that she didn't because she said that she just left to get us something to eat and drink for 10 minutes,it was stupid of us to think that she was kit-napped by Darius.

" nope,not really last week was all chaos and I don't wanna go through THAT ever again." I said as I shivered by the thought that it could happen again in Cody's apartment.

" hey,wait a minute where's Michelangelo?" I said as I looked at the three turtles.

" we lost mikey, the second we got here. That's what we've been trying to tell your walking toaster." The red turtle said hitting Serling on his chest. Ha he called him a walking toaster too.

" finally, somebody noticed that too." I said getting a little smirk from my great grand father.

" then let's all go look for him." Cody suggested as we were gonna go but Serling didn't seem to like this.

" I'm afraid that's not possible. Master Cody is the owner of O'Neil tech a pron-" that were I interrupted Serling and finished that boring sentence of meaning Cody can't leave this place.

" a pronounced manufacture of terror technology which means as head of the company,jones and O'Neil fortune. Even a simple walk in the park is considered dangerous for Cody to get kit-napped or even narwhals. So anything here is what he needs in the boring pint-house." I said as everyone was shocked that I actually remembered that.

" and apparently, for Cody, the outside world is too dangerous for especially HIM to be at. When me and my siblings had suffered from this 'so called dangerous world' that Serling speaks of." I stated as I glared at Serling.

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