chapter twelve

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chapter twelve

Delilah clung to Allen's arm as they walked together. Allen groaned in annoyance softly, I heard it, but I don't think she did. She rubbed her assets against his arm and started moaning. I scrunched my nose and turned away from them.

There's a lot more prettier view if I look out of the windows. I can see the blue sky, or the other students goofing around downstairs.

I saw Delilah stuck her tongue out at me childishly. I ignored her. It's not like fighting back would bring me anything.

I heard her yelp, and I immediately turned my attention back to them. "What the hell?" she hissed. "You seriously don't know how to treat a girl do you?" she demanded, pushing Allen out of her way. Actually, he moved away from her himself.

Allen looked at her with mock pity. "I'm sorry, did that hurt too much?" he asked mockingly.

I fought the urge to smirk. Delilah groaned in annoyance and marched out of the classroom. Allen started laughing as he shoved his hands inside his jeans' pocket. I, myself, couldn't help my smile.

His laugh is contagious. Like a virus.

He suddenly turned to me, the smile on my lips immediately subsided when he smirked at me. "Aren't you going to follow her?" I asked him, turning away from him. After that day, I never wanted making any eye contact with him. It makes me nervous and I didn't know why.

"Nope," he replied with enthusiasm. "I'm sure she'll find her way back to me anyways."

"Cocky, and even a narcissist," I muttered to myself.

His ears perked up like a dog. "I heard that," he said. "And I can also hear you heart beating for me, cloudy,"

I felt a faint blush on my cheeks. I shook my head mentally and tried to shove the idea away from my mind. "Cloudy? Where did that come from?"

"I don't know, your name is Schuyler, nicknamed as Sky by many. I didn't want my nickname to you to be common. So what's on the skies?" he asked.


"Bingo!" he exclaimed with a clap. "I never thought that you had become so smart, my little cloudy," he said, wiping an invisible stray tear from his cheek and patted me on the back.

I shrugged his hand away and crossed my arm over my chest. "Actually my best friend already called me that," I countered with a smirk.

He shrugged. "I have many nicknames for you stored inside here," - tapping on his head gently, "Besides, you didn't even deny that your heart beats for me, so I believe it's actually true."

"What!" I exclaimed. "In your deems, player, there won't be a single day where this heart of mine will beat for you."

Lies. Your heart beats for him since the moment you two kissed.


I flushed red at the memory of the night in the Ferris wheel. My hand made it's way to my lips, feeling them warm against my hand.

"I do dream cloudy, and you have a part in my dreams," he said with a wink. I snapped out of my memory trance when he smirked at me.

I scoffed. "Please, you're one of my nightmares." I countered.

"I'm a beautiful nightmare," he corrected. I rolled my eyes at his cockiness. "You coming to the ball night?" he asked.

Shit. I completely forgot about that. The school's twentieth anniversary ball is going to held next month, and I didn't even have anything to wear yet, nor do I have...a partner. Not that I was actually expecting for someone to ask me.

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