Chapter 15 - 'gonna button my lips so the truth don't slip'

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I feel so bad! I didn't see Faye at all last weekend. Apart from at the party on Friday night but we were both pretty drunk. I’m such a horrible friend! I arrived at my dads house yesterday but I spent the evening with Kris. He came round to my dad's house for supper, dad insisted on getting to know him. It wasn't as embarrassing as I thought it would have been, my family got along really well with him! My dad and him share a common interest for cars, Dawn never stopped making him laugh (no surprise there, she's hilarious!) and Owen looked up at Kris as if he was some sort of super hero! I’m glad they get along so well. After supper I told Kris about what happened with Nathan, he got pretty angry at the thought of him loving me. But he couldn't of been happier when I told him how I reacted! I felt bad about being so blunt with Nathan but Kris assured me it was the right thing to do. He probably only said that because he didn't want Nathan prying on me, but I think it's rather cute how Kris is so protective of me.

Today I am going to spend the whole day with Faye, I feel so bad for not seeing her last weekend. I quickly sent her a text saying, 'Are u free today? ;)x'.

Once it was sent I popped my phone in my pocket before going to chat to dad. I just feel like talking to him today, I love talking to my dad. No matter how old I am, I will always be a daddy's little girl! He was reading the news paper on the sofa, “Hey dad,” I said sitting next to him. He put down his newspaper and smiled at me, “Hey, what's up?” he asked.

“Not much, are you doing much today?” I asked.

“Nah, nothing planned. Are you meeting up with your boyfriend today?” He teased whilst shoving my arm. I chuckled at him,

“You’re so immature...I don't know yet. Maybe...?” I said smiling. Dad grinned and put his arm around my shoulder so that I was hugging in to him,

“Aww, my little girl's all grown up,” he said before placing a kiss on my head. I chuckled more,

“How have I grown up?”

“You just have. You look so mature and now you have a boyfriend. You are nothing like the little girl you used to be,” he said with a smile which caused the wrinkles around his eyes to crease.

“I’ve had boyfriends before dad,” I said smirking.

“I know, but it's different with Kris.” I moved my head to look at him in confusion,

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I can tell he will be a more serious boyfriend than you've had before.” He said with a smirk.

“How can you you be so sure,” I asked quietly. I sometimes wonder if I will be with Kris for long, I really don't know. He might not want me for long...he might dump me in a month when he gets bored.

“I can tell when a boy's in love. That's why I made all those bets with Dawn, I knew you's would end up together. Kris loves you, there's no doubt about it!” he said with a warm smile. I smiled and rested my head back on his shoulder. I have no idea why he is so sure Kris loves me, he has only met him twice. I’m not so sure if Kris does love me. Gosh, I don't even know if I love him! I think it's too soon to tell.

“I don't know if he does...” I trailed off.

“Trust me, he does! I can tell by the way he looks at you. He looks at you the way I look at Dawn. Kris might not even realise it yet, but he definitely loves you. I must admit...when I first noticed you were falling for a boy, I was a little apprehensive. You are my little girl and I didn't want any boy to break your heart. But then I met Kris, I knew he would treat you right. He is such a nice lad! I don't expect him to break your heart but if he ever does, there will be hell to pay! And that goes for any other boys too!” he said protectively hugging me closer. I chuckled at his typical fatherly words,

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