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(n.) something that can make you forget grief or suffering
She was reading.
He was listening to music.
She read the same page over and over again.
He wasn't really listening.
She couldn't focus on the book, only on her thoughts.
He could hear the music, but the thoughts were louder.
Her mom, she thought about her mom, how she was sweet and caring but also stern when needed.
He thought about his mom, the way she talked, sung, moved and the way she could always cheer him up.

'Hey, um, I was wondering if you wanted to go for a walk? I could use some company.' He walked into her room. He normally would be yelled at if he just walked into her room without knocking, but it was fine right now.
'A walk? sure why not, it's not like I have something better to do. Where are we heading?' She got up from under the blankets and threw on a hoodie.
He was playing with some things that were on her desk and looking at the pictures on her wall. 'The park maybe? Haven't been there in a while.'
She was now looking at the pictures too.
'Yeah the park is fine, go put on some shoes.'
They both grabbed their phones and keys, put on their shoes and jackets and headed for the park.

The walk was silent, but they didn't mind. Sometimes silence says more than words do.
Upon arriving they saw that the park has changed quite a lot since the last time either of them has been there.
'Ryan look! There are swings now!'
He followed her to the swings and pushed her, he then sat on the other swing.

They laughed.
They were having a good time.
They didn't think about their mom. They were just having fun, together.
In that moment, where everything was good for once, they could forget the pain they where feeling moments ago, from the loss and grief.

They where happy. For once.


What a good way to start off a book, isn't it?
Well I sure do hope you enjoyed this my friend.
Please forgive me if I made any mistakes, and please correct me.
Also please give me requests because I need them, you van find the requests chapter at the end of the book.

I hope you have a nice day.


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