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(n.) a person who loves the moon
This is for you <3

'Lily, I know why you always look at the moon when you're outside.' My best friend Bella came up to me, almost dropping her phone while tripping over something, or maybe nothing. I gave her a questioning look.
'Oh?' She sat on her desk, her legs crossed. I sat on her bed mimicking her. 'Your a selenophile. I thought it was weird that you always look at the moon when your outside, no one does that! Everyone just looks down or straight forward. So I did some research, and turns out your a selenophile!' She picked up her phone again and read out loud; 'a selenophile is someone who loves the moon or its presence.' I shuffled a little awkward on the bed.
'Bella I'm not a selenophile, that's just plain stupid. And by the way, I'm sure there are more people who look up instead of down or straight when they are outside.'
'Yeah other selenophiles..' She looked at me with a subborn grin.
'I'm not a selenophile, Bella.'
'I think you are.'
'Well you think wrong!'

After some more arguing I gave up, better have her think that I am a selenophile than knowing that I'm a werewolf, right?
'..are you mad at me.?'
'Nah, I could never be mad at you.' She gave me a heartwarming smile.

I suppose it wouldn't hurt anyone if i told her that I was a werewolf.. I mean she is always honest with me, I could trust her with my secret.. I trusted her with all my other secrets.. She would totaly freak out, but that's not weird, I would freak out too. But would she still want to be my friend if I told her? Welp, I guess we're going to find that out.

'Can I trust you?' She looked at me, a bit confused.
'Why ask? You know the answer already.' That's true, of course I can trust her.
'True, but it's like really important'
'You can trust me.' She looked into my eyes, staring at my soul, or so it felt.
'I'm not a selenophile, I don't love the moon. I absolutely hate that thing. Bella, I am a werewolf..'
'Welp, I indeed thought wrong there..' Bella smiled at me. She smiled. She did not freak out, she acted like me being a werewolf was super normal, it isn't normal.
'Why the fuck are you not freaking out right now, I just told you that I am a fucking werewolf, aren't you supposed to be freaking out?!'
'I'm supposed to be eating healthy but you never see me doing that, do you'
she loves tacos to much to be eating healthy.
'Me being a werewolf is a bit different than you loving food a little too much.. But hey, thanks for like not giving a shit about me being a werewolf because, yeah just thanks.'
'Ya know I'd always love you, right lilz? And I like you being a werewolf more than you being a selenophile.'
'I'm glad you're my friend.'

I hope you liked it
Also, if you want please give me another request because I need them
I don't really have much to say

Have a good night with good dreams.

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