A Weekend, With The Host Club: Dear "Daddy",

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Here's a funny tale. Only two people know how I truly act and that's the -nozukas.

    I tend to make funny, dying, voice cracks when I'm around them to express emotions. They find it amusing.

Currently they've locked me in a dark closet. Telling me to admit my true sexuality.

They know I'm straight.

Every time it gets quiet I scream full of voice cracks "are you making out?"

Mori loses his schnitzel.

I just make jokes about my dead love life, one being: my aids are just like my love life; I don't have any.

I think they left me in here to die.

Send help.

One of them threw something at the door.
It scared me so I screamed and cried that I want my "Daddy".

Tamxki save me.

I'm a poor man trapped so far in this dark closet I think I might find Narnia.

I am highly antagonised.

Sincerely yours,


Update: he threw a knife at the door.

Update: they said something about diseased appendages so I screamed like a little gay boy and then yelled in the same voice "I'm a diseased appendage."

I keep screaming like a goat

Update: I got under the bed for twenty minutes. Then they pulled me out and threw me back in the closet.

Mori is threatening to whip me with his belt.


Terrifyingly Strange Thoughts of the Cool Type: Part 3 ((closed/finished))Where stories live. Discover now