Chapter 9

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(WARNING: There's suicide involved in this and I don't want anyone to be triggered in anyway so I suggest you stop reading or skip the part involving suicide......due to Alex having Lincoln in her head, she starts to feel lost like he had in his past)

-Alex Campbell-

FitzSimmons were checking on me as we were on the move from being arrested by the military. I met with Robbie before he left and he was happy to see me again.

"Hey beautiful," Robbie said.

"Hey, I guess this is goodbye then," I sighed.

"I promise that I'll come back for you," Robbie said.

"I'm on the run from the military," I mentioned.

"I love you more than anything so I promise you'll be safe again once I come back," he said.

"You're such a hottie when you're this sweet," I teased.

"I got to go but I promise to come back and we can go anywhere together," Robbie said.

After he left, we continue to be on the run as I thought back to when I first met Robbie.

-2 Years Ago-

I was trying to call for help but I was being chased by some gang and I was screaming for help.

"HELP! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!!" I screamed.

"Get back here, mija....we just want to know you better," gang banger snickered.

I kept running until I was cornered by five members of the Calle Cinco Locos.

"Please, leave me alone!" I begged.

"Why would we do that exactly?"

Two of them grabbed me as they were dragging me into their car when two bystanders helped me and we were off running.

"Hey, are you OK?"

"Yeah, thank you so much," I said.

"Sure, my name is Gabe and this is my brother, Robbie," guy introduced himself.

"Let's get you inside our's not safe to be out here in the open," Robbie said.

I followed them to their home where I met their uncle who helped me with my twisted ankle and gave me food to eat.

"What were you doing out here?" Eli asked.

"I had a falling out with my boyfriend....he lives around here," I answered.

"He's a fool to leave you.....anyways, I suggest you stay until the morning cause those boys ain't going to stop looking for you," Gabe said.

"Thank you so much," I said.

"I'll bring you some clothes and take you home tomorrow morning," Robbie said.

Robbie was such a kind person and I was truly grateful for his family taking me in. This was something I could never pay him back especially after he talked me out of jumping off of my roof.

-15 Months Later-

I was on the edge of my apartment building, watching people walking around. I didn't know if there's any point of moving on with my life.

'I can't keep living this way if there is nothing as a result so I should just end it '

"Alex, what are you doing?!"

I turned around and saw Robbie there, acting like he really cared about me.

"Why are you here???" I asked.

"I came to check on my friend and help her out," he said.

"You're lying like everyone else......I'm nothing, I don't matter to anyone," I scoffed.

"You're wrong, I care about you," Robbie said.

"My own family abandoned me......I'm worthless to this world and I have to end my suffering," I said.

"Alex, no!!"

"Robbie, please go away!"

"No, I'm not leaving you to die......I care about you, I've always have ever since we first met," Robbie said.

I was crying as I didn't know what to do anymore and there was so much things going through my head.

"What am I doing???" I cried.

"It's OK.....just come down and we'll work things out," Robbie said.

"Is there something wrong with me?" I asked.

"No, you're just lost and needed a friend.....I'm right here, Alex," he said.

Robbie stayed with me and kept me safe until I was completely better and eventually I realized I was feeling everything my half brother once felt at one point.

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