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Tae had a normal day in university he didn't saw jungkook anywhere he assumed he did not come today. After attending his first two classes he was sitting in cafeteria drinking his black coffee when someone sits next to him. She was a girl.

Girl: hi I'm Rose we have next class together.
You are new student here if want any help to catch on previous works I can help you.

Tae smiled at her and said "thank you but I'll manage."

"umm I actually wanted to ask you something if you don't mind." Rose said.

Tae: it's alright go ahead.

Rose ask him hesitantly "do you wanna go to concert tonight with me?"

Tae don't want to be rude but he also don't wanna go with her so he take the middle way and said umm I'm actually already taking someone.

Rose: oh that's fine okay it's time for class we should go. See ya later.

After class tae drove back to house and after some time he received jungkook's text with the address, according to the text concert will be at 7.

Tae went to Yoongi's room and asked him "do you wanna go to the concert tonight?"

" of course I was waiting for you to ask as jungkook said to bring me too." Yoongi said showing his gummy smile.

Tae: can you stop eavesdropping.

At 7 they both left they house for the concert. They reached there in 15 mint.

After concert ends they walk backstage to meet jungkook.

Jungkook saw them and said I'm so happy you two came it was like first time I invited someone personally.

Tae said concert was really good thank you for inviting us.

Yoongi said yes and now as it's end let me thank you for inviting me by taking you to dinner I'm sure you'll be starving.

Jungkook oh that's so sweet of you I'm actually starving and as it's a week day we don't have after party so we can leave now. Jungkook said bye to other members and three of them drove to a restaurant where they had dinner and talked about the concert. Junkook told them it's his dream to become a musician now it's only university student but I'm sure one day people from whole city will come to his concert.

Yoongi said why only city your voice is magical if you'll get a chance whole world will appreciate you I'm sure.

Tae also said yes no doubt your vocals are good soon people will recognize it.

Jungkook was very happy and said thank you for your support I hope my family will support me too one day.

Tae asked him why they don't support him we thought now world is really advanced and people really are open minded.

Jungkook just sadly said I'm happy about concert sorry but I don't wanna talk about them right now.

"It's alright" yoongi said.

After dinner it was like 12 when they drop jungkook to his building then drove to their house.

Blood, sweat and tears (part 3) (Taekook)Where stories live. Discover now