Blue - Chapter 20 - Then

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Transcript 4

Day 4, Sept 15 2016

Patient: David Azure

Age: 19

Location: Holding Cell 9

'Tell me about yourself, David?'

'What do you want to know?'

'I want to know what's going through your mind?'

'No, you want to know why I wake up screaming every night in this prison cell, and why all your other questions haven't gotten you anywhere. I don't even know why you're here, I told them a sleeping pill would work just fine, I don't need a shrink, I don't need any of this.'

'Is that what you think you need?'

'Since when do you care what I need?'

'I'm here to help you, David.'

'What I need is to be with my mother right now not stuck in here whilst Detective Pike or that fat guy out there marvel at my discomfort. My mother is the one who needs a doctor but no one is listening to me. As if I'm not qualified to make that call.'

'I'm listening to you.'

'Great. So give her a visit and get me 400mg of Melatonin so I won't wake in the night and disturb those work shy night shifters.'

'I'm not here about your mother, David. I'm sure she is being cared for by doctors after what she's been through. And this is not about not suppressing your demons. Prolonged use of Melatonin works the other way. It will inhibit your natural ability to sleep and can lead to you waking more often, overstimulated and unable to get back to sleep. This is not about shutting everything away. It's about facing your fears, fighting them, standing up to them, understanding then and perhaps even embracing them.'

'You learn all that in shrink school?'

'I learnt that the patient must be fifty-five or over to even qualify for Melatonin and you're nineteen years old. Okay. Tell me in one sentence how you see yourself? What best describes you?'


'You know, what do you see when you look in the mirror? What would you put on a dating website? Who is the real David Azure?'

'Well for a start my name's Blue, and two weeks ago I killed my father.'

[Patient pauses.]

'You don't seem scared by that, Doctor. You don't seem to want to know if that means I'm going to hurt you. You don't seem to care if I break your face in, like those other nuts in Dover—'

Patient rises. Session terminated. Eight minutes, forty seconds.

Progress: negligible

Patient status: angry, volatile


'Contrary to my advice you managed to make a scene twice today,' Detective Pike says, pacing her office with a calm in her tone which I imagine is taking every last ounce of willpower. She swipes the report from my hands and slaps it onto her desk so the papers splay out. I'm not sure why she let me read it. To stir my anger? To shock me into submission?

'Isn't this supposed to be private?' I say. 'Patient - doctor privilege?'

'Not when you're showing signs you could harm yourself or others,' Detective Pike says. 'And what you did today, escaping from police custody, running to that school—'

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