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"Get away from me," I screamed.

But he continued to advance. With each passing minute I could feel the fury, the evil radiating out of him.

I moved back a step only to find the cold stone wall touch my back. I was here, trapped in that narrow alleyway. I stifled a cry because I knew it was useless.

There wasn't a soul in sight. None that could some to my rescue and save me from the thing which was the incarnation of death.

The thing which had haunted my dreams for the past few days...the luminescent brown eyes which had tormented every waking hour...the familiar cold voice which always spoke in my head was there before me.

There was a devilish smile on his face which looked more like a smirk. He was enjoying troubling me.

I shuddered.

"Please let me go," I begged.

A bloodcurdling laugh rent the air. But it didn't stop his advance. I could see the pair of cruel eyes, the muscled tone of his body, the stone set of his jaws and the cruel smile on his lips.

He came closer till he was just an inch away. I cringed from the proximity.

His amethyst eyes looked quite normal now as the shadows of the narrow alley fell on his face. Though he looked less demonic, his gait was enough for any layman to perceive that he was a vindictive creature.

I struggled to find a route, a way of escape. Unfortunately there was none. He was faster, better and more aggressive.

He was before me in a jiffy and had pinned me to the wall, holding me by my shoulders. I squirmed in his grip. His fingers were icy cold, and it seemed to chill me right up to the bone.

"W...What do you want from me? Y...You are not real," I could hear my voice shaking.

"I want what I had always wanted from you," his voice was like the edge of a sword against my skin.

Without any warning, he kissed the hollow at the base of my throat. I saw his eyes gleaming with lust and desire.

I cringed. No matter he looked the same, no matter his body felt the same at such a proximity, he was a villain. I should never forget that.

"You got everything you desired, you got everything you craved for and yet..." my voice broke.

"I had no choice. I was turned against my wishes. I wanted you to believe that I was dead. So I never came before you. But there is danger lurking in this world and I couldn't just leave you unguarded," his voice was so calm in response to the conflict of emotions in my heart.

Tears flowed freely as I remembered a day like this, a year back, when he was snatched away from me. That day was a blur of memories.

I found myself on the steps of my house the next day, but I remembered nothing except that Dimka was gone.

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