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Romeo’s hands shook as he held the cup of poison he had bought from the apothecary. He looked at the bloody dagger lying in front of him. And the body of Paris near his feet.

At a distance stood Juliet’s coffin, a simple ornate box, lined with soft incensed cotton, on which lay a fragile flower, Juliet. Her face was beautiful. Who could have guessed that she was no more?

If death could be as beautiful as life, then Juliet could have been still sleeping.

Romeo’s heart wrenched, because he knew Juliet had left him, forever.

He raised the glass to his lips.

A strong blow threw the chalice on the floor where it broke into a million glass shards. The contents spread on the floor, seeping into the ground.

“What the...”

But he was cut off by the person who had dealt the blow, “You know what you were doing?”

A lithe figure of a young woman, lovely auburn hair that flamed in the dark, sharp features and gorgeous cobalt eyes. Her lips were drawn into a thin line, and she seemed the perfect picture of fury.

“Mr. Romeo Montague. You’re under arrest on charges of attempts to commit suicide,” there was a pair of handcuffs in her hand, which gleamed in the lamp-light.

“But I don’t understand my lady…”

“Of course you do. Charge number two, murder of Paris,” the girl declared.

“Ummm…I…I didn’t know…,” Romeo stammered.

“Charge number three, dealing in illegal drugs,” she went and knelt down beside the broken splinter of the chalice.

She whipped out a pair of disposable gloves from her pocket, took a paper napkin from her backpack and picked up one of the pieces.

“This goes to the forensic department, and you come to court with me,” she said, putting the wrapped piece in her pocket.

“My lady if I may explain,” a voice was heard from the entrance of the grave. The Friar was standing there, trying to figure out how to approach.

“No you won’t. I have an arrest warrant against you too. Charges of aiding illegal marriage, not to forget use of potentially harmful drugs like anesthetics on a girl, without the consent of a medical practitioner,” she pointed at Juliet.

“But she’s dead,” Romeo protested.

“That’s where you’re wrong. She has simply been put under general anesthesia, a death like sleep,” she snapped.

“That means she’s alive. What a relief! Oh, I love her, I’m so happy now,” Romeo was ecstatic.

“Recorded the statement,” the girl was holding a mini recorder in her hand, “Charge four, pedophilia, though it may go under the psychiatric cases.”

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