Chapter 2

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As the night fell, a dark flat was only filled by the moonlight. Himchan threw his jacket on the dining chair and went to the fridge to have a can of beer. He stood by the window, staring into the busy night life.

He sighed and turned on the lights.

The flat was clean and nicely scented from the oil burner. Well-furnished with modern appliances. Everything inside was made for one person. One toothbrush, one coffee mug, one champagne glass, a pair of slippers, all those stuffs. Though it was not as huge as a penthouse, it was still more than enough for one person to live in.

But what made it less normal was that there was no beds. Or any signs of it. The couch in front of the tv was meant for sitting down only.

Himchan checked his sleeping cycle again.

Friday. 04/15. 09.07 - 10:15. 1h8m. Car's seat.
Friday. 04/15. 13:50 - 16:10. 2h20m. Studio 3, MM Cinema.

He sipped his beer again and checked the time. 00:14. He was surprised that time had passed so quick that he spilled the beer onto his shirt.

"Aishh, really..." He put down both of his phone and beer can on the dining table. He kept wiping his shirt and noticed the name card from earlier, in his pocket. He took the name card.

Jung Eunyeol
Pink Rabbit Film Club
K building 4F, 22698, Seoul

Then he turned to see the back side of the name card.

Film club with discussions and vast collections.
Private studio included.

Himchan threw the card away. "Why should I join this club anyway?" He went to change his shirt. Yawning, he changed his clothes lazily. "I really should sleep..." He looked around his bathroom and noticed the bathtub had dried. "Here will do. Only three hours."

He sat inside the bathtub and rested his head using piles of towels. Then he typed his sleep cycle along with the alarm.

Saturday. 04/16. 00.23 - 03.23. 3h. Bathtub.


The refreshing spring nights of April, especially on Saturday night, made people enjoyed their night-outs. The busy streets with snack vendors also raised the cheerful atmosphere.

"Are you sure it's okay if I come with you?" Ayoung asked Jungah, who dragged her into the building. They still needed to walk four storeys high to get to Pink Rabbit.

"If you're going to go back and forth like this, I'm going to make you pay the full rent next month."

They walked upstairs with heavy breathings. Pink Rabbit was in front of them and Jungah was greeted by her fellow members. She explained that Ayeong wanted to come and joined the film screening, which the others greeted her warmly and offered her to sit down.

Ayoung sat alone while Jungah was busy with her club friends. She awkwardly looked around. 'Maybe it was wrong to come here...'

Few moments before the film screening was started, a guy came in, his existence making everyone paused their activities. His sharp glances made everyone nervous.

The club manager greeted him. "Welcome to Pink Rabbit. How did you know our club?"

"I got this name card..." He stared at the manager. "Are you the manager?"

"Uh, well, yes I am..."the manager replied uncomfortably, as if he was interrogated.

"Your cousin who worked part time at the cinema gave this to me."

The anxiety quickly disappeared from the manager's face. "Aah, so you're the guy she was telling me about." He showed Himchan a place to sit down, which was next to Ayoung, the only empty seat in the room. "I heard you like to watch films so much. I hope you find our film club interesting."

Everyone gathered in front while the manager explained briefly about the film. He started to ask questions and trivia about previous film screenings. Then he randomly asked everyone the name of the film's director.

"Park Yongsik." Both Ayoung and Himchan replied at the same time, making them stared at each other. The crowd didn't hear them and kept discussing the film.

"How do you know...?" Himchan curiously asked Ayoung with a deep low voice.

She fidgeted her palm and replied. "He's, sunbae in college."

"You went to KNUA?"

Ayoung was surprised by his reaction. "Well..., yes I did. What made you guessed that?"

"He's my sunbae, too." Himchan looked away.

"That means you went to KNUA as well, didn't you?" She was excited finding an alumni. "I'm Kim Ayoung." She extended her hand for a handshake.

He shook her hand. "Kim Himchan." He replied. "So were you a film directing major?"

"Fine art, actually. Yongsik sunbae is a sunbae that I know." She said. "If I was in the film major, you would notice me right away. Since we're in the same major."

"I would never notice you, I majored in Korean traditional music."

"Ah, I see..."

"The two of you in the back, who are currently enjoying the time of your lives..." The MC pointed at Himchan and Ayoung. Everyone in the room stared at them, including Jungah. Both of them noticed right away. "How do you two enjoy our film screening as a non member? I was asking that, by the way."

"It was nice." Himchan replied quickly. "Now if you excuse me..." Then he disappeared going to the bathroom, following the direction sign.

After half an hour, the discussion was finally ended and they played the film. Ayoung went to take another drink when she overheard a conversation which appeared to have Himchan and the club manager.

"I will need the key to the studio, in case I have to go there late at night." Himchan requested.

"I can't let you duplicate the keys. Even so, you're not a member to begin with. Besides, what makes you want to go here late?"


She was confused and sat on her place again. She also saw Himchan hastily left the club. 'Something's wrong, I guess.'

For two hours, the crowd had discussed the film thoroughly. Ayoung decided to go home earlier and let Jungah joined her club members. She excused herself and walked outside to go to the bus station.

She randomly hummed any songs which came to her mind, and regretting that she left her ipod. As she walked closer to the bus station, she saw a random car was parked behind the building. 'It wasn't here when I came.' She walked pass the car and noticed something.

Or someone.
Inside the car.

She turned her head to check her eyes. It was right. A guy was sleeping inside the car. But it wasn't a random guy. She knew him.

"Kim Himchan-ssi?" She knocked the car window. "Is he purposely sleeping in there or he was sick...?"

She knocked the window once again. He felt disturbed but didn't wake up. His body drenched in sweats made her thought something was not right. "I guess I have to do what action films have taught me." But before she did anything criminal, he woke up and opened the door in reflex. But he didn't seem right. Ayoung touched his forehead and felt his skin was burning. He was indeed sweating a lot.

"Kim Himchan ssi? You need to go to the hospital."

He limped his head to her shoulder. "Not...the hospital...please."

"But you have a high fever." She walked to the other side and pulled Himchan as strong as she could to be in the passenger seat, not forgetting to fastened his seatbelt. She then took the driver seat and started the engine. "I'm sorry if you hate hospitals, but the fever looks bad, Himchan ssi."

She drove her way to the hospital.

"I don't even know why am I doing this exactly."

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