Chapter 5

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"I'm going to put this over there. You can clean the papers first." Ayoung was still redecorating even after the shop was closed. She had no pottery projects so that made her easier to do other things.

There was a knock on the shop's window. Ayoung peeked and it was Seyong. She rolled her eyes. "He really did come." She went to open the locked door and let him in. He went inside with a bright smile. "You really are persistent, aren't you?"

He put his hands inside his jeans pocket. "More like, I just don't want to eat alone on my first day moving here." He looked around and saw the mess. "Maybe I should help you."

"Let me call Jungah. She has to join as well." She took out her phone from her apron's front pocket. Seyong nodded in agreement. The line was quickly answered after two dial tones. "Jungo, where are you?"

'I'm at Pink Rabbit. Tons of works and I got my first task to review a film to be posted to the blog. Why?'

"No. I was wondering if you can join me and Seyong for dinner."

'Pass. I will join next time.'

Seyong waited for an answer in front of Ayoung, mouthing 'how is it?' to her. She shook her head. "Okay then. Have fun with your work. Hmm."

"She can't come with us?" He asked.

"It's her first time to review films so I can't bother her to join us." She sighed. "Maybe we should-"

The front door was opened before she finished her words. Myungbin quickly approached the man. "Sorry, we are already closed, sir."

"So you work here?" A familiar voice made Ayoung turned her head, followed by Seyong. It was Himchan.

"Kim Himchan ssi...?"

"So your art degree in KNUA did you well." He looked around.

"You're from KNUA?" Seyong asked her. She just nodded. "I almost entered that school!"

Himchan approached the two. "Then where did you go eventually?"


Both Ayoung and Himchan looked surprised at him. "So you studied fine art in SNU??" She asked.

Seyong nodded. "Why? You think I can't go to SNU?"

"I'm not judging." Himchan said. He looked at Ayoung. "I didn't know you work here. I like this mug and I want to buy it." He took a black mug. "Now that I realise it, this must be yours, judging by this red square. School pride."

"It is. I made that. But this shop can't have any transactions after closing, so you can't buy it now." Ayoung took the black mug from his hands and put it back on the shelf.

"Are you still bitter after what happened in the hospital?"

She just smiled cynically. "I don't want to be involved." She took off her apron, folded it and put it inside her bag. She tapped Seyong's shoulder. "Let's eat."

Seyong followed her toward the front door.

"Wait. Let me join you." Himchan said.


"Two seollongtang and one kalguksu." The owner ahjumma put down the dishes on the table of three.

Ayoung shifted gazes between Himchan and Seyong. 'More than twenty years I've never eaten with random guys I just met. This feels weird.'

Then, just like in the morning, girls started to glance at her. Not only because she was eating with Seyong. His outfit made him look like those cute idols with fluffy hair and puppy face. Himchan himself was not an ugly guy. His deep stares and how he dressed himself made girls couldn't help but stare at him.

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