Chapter 7

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Ayoung parked the car up by the hill. She enjoyed the night view from the driver seat. She couldn't leave the car in case someone might rob the car. Or Himchan himself. She noticed that his watch was somewhat expensive.

She rested her head on the window rim, hair flowing down. She still had her earphones on. "What a nice weather..." She enjoyed the night spring breeze.

In the passenger seat, Himchan was still sleeping soundly. She pulled the blanket in the backseat, revealing the black mug he bought from earlier. Grinning, she unbuckled his seatbelt to sleep comfortably since the car was not in motion. She put the blanket around him up until his neck.

"It must be very lonely." She randomly said, in front of his face.

To her surprise, he opened his eyes. Unlike how people would squint their eyes after waking up, his stare was almost intense. Nothing was mild on his stare. Ayoung moved back and sat rightly in her seat.

"I told you not to disturb me." He grunted.

"Sorry." She said simply. Initiatively, she turned on the engine but his hand stopped her and made her turning off the engine. She got a chill when his hand touched hers.

"I've never been here before." He looked around and pulled away the blanket. "I should look around for a moment."

"No." She stopped him from getting out of the car. "We can't stop by for visitings. This is not a field trip, you see. And I have to go home, too."

He sighed. "Okay." As she started to drive away, he was murmuring, "I've never been to any field trips though.." He fastened his seatbelt pouting.

Ayoung stepped on the brake. "Really?? Whoa, you are in some kind of new level for weirdness."

"Don't get me started."

"Start what? What are you going to do anyway?"

He stared at her and she felt his face was coming closer to hers. She felt a pair of hands hovering around her face. She did not falter for once. 'I will slap him if he-'

Himchan unplugged her earphones and stole them from her. He put them on him instead, and picked songs from her ipod.

"Ya! It's mine!" She yelled.

He just sat there poker face. He noticed she was glaring a deathly volt at him. He took off one earphone, "Just drive. You don't let me enjoy the view for a while, so let me enjoy the view with music."

"Then how do I dr-" she shifted her gaze to the radio button. She turned it on and found a rock music channel. She put it in the loudest volume. Himchan quickly turned it off.

"Ya! Are you sick or something?? You could be deaf before you know it!" He yelled.

"I can ask you the same one!" She sulked and drove away from the hill. 'He was right indeed, no one will stand him.'

She drove carelessly as fast as she could to be home. Himchan kept yelling at her but she acted like she couldn't hear him.

After few minutes, she finally reached her flat's neighbourhood.

Unplugging the earphones, he noticed that she was really angry. He returned her ipod along with its earphones.

"You have great taste in music." He tried to break the ice but was a total failure.

"Did you really set an alarm or did you just make it up?? Cause I haven't heard any alarm rings even once."

"I did set them!" He said from behind his phone screen. She stretched her head closer to see if there was an alarm.

"I think you're lying. Let me see." She reached for his phone but he was faster and made their heads bumped each other. Ayoung yelled in frustration. "If no such thing exists just say it is! Ack, it hurts..." She held her head.

"Why do you think I'm always lying?" He approached her, noses almost three inches away. He stared deep into her eyes. In agony.

"What are you doing?" She asked calmly. He didn't answer but stared for another four seconds. She waited to throw another argument.

But he then shut his eyes and his head fell onto her shoulder. "Sorry. Sorry th-"

The alarm sounds and a knock on the window made her jumped in surprise. Himchan turned off the alarm after he sat properly. It was Seyong who was knocking the driver's seat window.

"You're finally here." He welcomed her with a smile. "Were you with him?" He peeked from the glasses.

"Not really. I'm just driving him." She opened the door.

"He had drinks too early. It must be hard to have a friend like him." Said Seyong, thinking that Himchan was drunk.

"I had drinks...??" Himchan pointed at himself, confused.

Ayoung took her belongings and unfastened her seat belt. "Drive safely." She said to Himchan.

When she turned her head, Seyong offered his hand. Both her and Himchan stared at his hand.

She hesitantly took his hand and got out of the car. He helped her with the foods in the plastic bag. "It's probably cold already. Sorry." She pointed to the food.

"It's okay." He looked at Himchan, who was getting out of the car. "Get home safely." Seyong nodded at him and walked away with Ayoung.

Himchan sat in the driver seat and checked both of them from the rear view mirror. He sighed, taking his phone.

Tuesday. 04/19. 10:13 - 11:13. 1h. Car seat.

Staring at the note he typed awhile ago, he edited the information.

Tuesday. 04/19. 10:13 - 10:20. 7m. Car seat.

"Bathtub it is." He threw his phone and drove back home.


Jungah waited in the front of the flat building. She then saw two figures coming closer and ran toward them. "My jokbal~~"

Ayoung rolled her eyes and walked past her entering the building. Seyong laughed and handed Jungah the plastic bag with foods. He carried the beers.

"Ah it's already cold..." She sobbed. The other two left her. "Wait for me!"

With heavy steps, Ayoung entered the flat and went straight to her room. She threw herself onto her bed.

Seyong knocked on her door and Jungah walked past him.

"I'm going to sleep..." She said.

"Have you eaten yet?" He asked. Jungah slapped his arm lightly. She made a facial expression of why he necessarily needed to ask that.

"You don't ask that. Just leave some foods for her. She's usually like that." Jungah walked to the kitchen.

"Sleep well, then." Said Seyong before he left.

Ayoung stared into her closed door and shut her eyes to sleep.


Later that midnight, driven by hunger, Ayoung went out of her room and headed straight to open the fridge. She drank a bottled water and took a cup of chocolate pudding. When she closed the fridge door, someone was there.

"Ah, you scared me!" She almost threw the pudding at him. "What are you doing??"

"Sorry if I scared you." Seyong handed something to her. Two rolls of kimbap. "Eat this. Now I can sleep."

She took the kimbap rolls and furrowed her eyebrows. "You haven't slept?"

Seyong ignored her and stretched his back. "Midnight cartoons... Ah, so much fun." He entered his room with weird stares from Ayoung.

"He likes cartoons?" She placed herself on the couch in front of the tv.

She turned it on, looking for the cartoons Seyong watched. But even after the channels looped, she couldn't find any.

"On which channel did he watch that?"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2018 ⏰

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