Chapter 6

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The next day, the moving company came and delivered Seyong's stuffs. Jungah helped him since she had no works that day. Ayoung promised to buy delicious foods for his welcome party later that night when she came home.

For Ayoung, the day was a normal working day. Redecorating project was almost finished and she received a new order to make customised coffee mugs. She spent most of the day in the third floor. But after her third mug, one of the staff called her.

"Ayoung ssi, someone is looking for you. A customer."

She quickly finished her fourth mug. "Wait a second. I need to finish this first. I have to come downstairs anyway."

After she was done, she put the clay mugs on a tray and walked downstairs carefully as the clay would change if she moved recklessly. When she reached the first floor, kiln was her first destination. She put the clay mugs one by one into the kiln. Satisfied by the look of it, she walked inside toward the shop.

"Sunbae, he's looking for you..."

"You want to buy the mug, right?" Ayoung noticed that it was Himchan, so she talked to him straightforwardly. Before he answered, she took the black mug and gave it to the shop staff. "Wrap this. He's buying."

"Well thanks for reading my mind." He walked pass her and paid the mug.

She suddenly recalled what the head nurse told her about him. Hesitant, she just stood there looking at him handing his credit card to the shop staff. She was having a battle with herself whether to tell him or not. Ayoung dipped her hands inside her apron's front pocket nervously.

"Kim Himchan ssi." She finally said. "Can we talk?"

"I'm all ears."

"Not here. Let's talk outside."

He stared at her. "Okay." He took his card and his wrapped mug in a paper bag after nodding a thank you to the shop staff. She walked outside and he followed her. "What is it?"

"Why are you afraid of beds?"

Himchan glared at her unexpected question. "And why did you ask such nonsensical question?"

"The hospital called me," she sighed, "well technically, I don't know what should I do. I don't even know what's going on with you. I don't even know you to begin with."

"Then mind your own business." He started to walk away.

"They asked me to make you come to get treatments for your...whatever you call it. That's that. I have told you what they said to me." She explained as he stopped his feet.

"No one's going to survive a week with me. Don't even try to help."

"I know. I even asked myself why should I do that when I don't even get paid." Ayoung had an idea came to mind. "What if we make a bet? Whether I can survive or not."

"Don't be stupid. You said it before. You don't even know me."

She scoffed. "Okay, then. Thanks for the reminder. Good luck." She walked away from him. Himchan kept staring at her from in front of the shop. He sighed and walked toward his car which was parked near the bus stop.


"I'll be going, then. Good work today." Ayoung greeted everyone and left Namu. She had to buy foods for Seyong's housewarming party. She plugged in her earphones to listen just to make her walks were filled with background music like in films.

She bought jokbal, sun-dae, and three kinds of beers. She happily carried them accompanied by matching songs in her ears. 'This will do. I hope I'm not late.' She swung the plastic bag back and forth while tiptoeing to the bus stop.

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