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  • Dedicated to Kevyn M.

(7) "Shoot"

We were in our car, with Mayra driving and me on shotgun next to her. Chasity and Evelyn were in the back seat.

Mayra started to drive.

After what seemed like forever, Evelyn stretched her neck. "Hey I think that's their car!" Evelyn called. Mayra sped up.

We got out of the car and got our ray guns out. But only to find the Fabulous Killjoys on the ground.


I immediately ran to Mikey. Why did this happen to him?!

I gently shook him. He didn't move. I shook him harder. He still didn't move.

"Mikey." No answer. "Mikey!" I said, louder.

I suddenly remembered the first aid kits we carried with us.

"Mayra!" I shouted. "We have to clean them up." I took out the first aid kit and started treating Mikey's wounds.

"Evelyn!" Chasity called out.

"Yeah?" Evelyn's voice cracked.

"Let's go get Grace. And make Korse pay." Chasity said, sounding as determined as ever.

"Let's go then." Evelyn said. They started heading to the car.

"Evelyn! Chasity! Don't go! It's too dangerous. We'll wait a couple of days and..." Mayra tried to tell them something but I knew she wouldn't convince them to stay.

"I'm done waiting Mayra! Korse practically killed our parents and family we live with. I won't stand here after he tried to kill my new family. I love them too much to do that! And you can't stop us....!" Chasity exclaimed. I knew that when she was determined she wasn't going to let it go.

"Chasity please..just-" Mayra began again.

I knew she wasn't going to get anywhere with this. "Drop it Mayra. She's too stubborn. Especially when she's mad. Go! We'll catch up to you guys." I said.

I watched as Chasity and Evelyn made their way to the car. Chasity quickly turned on the engine and they speeded off. I knew they were going to be fine. Although I was still a little worried...

I felt Mikey move next to me. I looked down at him and saw as he struggled to get back from the darkness that consumed him. Slowly, but surely, his eyes opened.

"Hmm?" he mumbled.

"Mikey?" I asked.

"Aileen? Is that you?" he slowly started to get up in a sitting position.

"Hey. Are you okay? You had me so worried." I felt tears start to form in my eyes.

"I'm fine." he said, trying to keep his eyes open.

"I knew this would happen." I said, tears rolling down my cheeks. "This is why we wanted to come! I told you!"

Mikey hugged me. "It's okay. I'm okay. Don't worry."

My face was buried in his face. "B-but-"

"Shh. Please don't cry. I hate seeing you like this."

"You had me so worried. You have no idea. I was thinking the worst. Ugh!"


We stayed like that, and after a while I stopped crying. I looked up at Mikey. I really loved him. I realized that now.

Mikey grabbed my hand. "Can I be the only hope for you? Because you're the only hope for me." he whispered and my kissed my hand.

"You are the only hope for me. Without you I would be nothing." I said and kissed his soft, perfect lips. This world of love was new and dangerous, but I was sure I wanted to risk getting hurt. If it meant staying with Mikey.

The other killjoys slowly regained consciousness one at a time.

"Why did you let her go Mayra?" I heard Frank snap at Mayra.

"What?" she asks, stunned.

"Chasity! You shouldn't have let her go! She's going to Korse alone!" he screamed.

"Don't scream at me. She has Evelyn with her. And I didn't let her go. She's too stubborn and you know that! And this wouldn't have happened if you would have taken us with you in the first place!" Mayra said, pointing an acussing finger at him. She did have a point there though.

"You guys let's just go get them. There no use fighting. There gone." Ray said.

Mayra and Gerard got up and headed to the car. Mikey and I followed behind them, with Ray and Frank behind us.


We drove in silence to the S/C/A/R/E/C/R/O/W unit. Once we get there we quickly break in. We rush inside because the draculoids are probably following us now. We follow Frank. Then I hear a nasty deep voice speak.

"Don't be scared doll. We can do this the easy way or the hard way." I heard Korse say said. I started feeling sick.

"Leave her alone!" Frank yells and bursts in. We follow close behind and point our rayguns out in defense. I notice Korse has a hand on Chasity's lower back. I think we could all see his intentions.

"Fucking brainwashed motherfucker." I breath.

"Shoot." Korse says. Dozens of dracs start shooting at us from everywhere. I shoot, trying to kill some dracs. I kill a lot. I do have pretty good aim.

I see Gerard closing up behind a drac and pull off his mask. Tge drac immediately falls to the ground. Dead.

I turn to the other direction and notice dracs start closing in on me. I shoot desperately, but they're too much for me alone. Suddenly I feel someone next to me. I see Mikey, with his back to mine, helping me shoot the dracs.

We kill the dracs and manage to escape. We run out following the others. I see Chasity and Evelyn with us. They're safe.

Gerard drives.

"I hope he's dead." I hear Mayra say. "But I doubt it."

"At least we're all safe." Gerard says.

And he's right. We're safe and together. Ready for any other battles.


YAY! ABOUT FUCKING TIME I UPDATE! XD Sorry I haven't updated, but, as you know, I had te chapter ready but I accidentally deleted it. You have no idea how fucking mad I was. D: But it's here. Oh and finally! Vacation time is here! You know what that means! MORE UPDATING! I'm going to be writing like crazy and (hopefully) updating like crazy. Now I'm going to be working on the next chapter and on my other stories! Yay!

And something else. I'm pretty depressed.:( Just school drama I guess, but it's still sad.



-Viper Kid

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