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Fuck yeah!!!! I chickened out of something specific this chapter (bet yall cant guess,what it is ahahaha me n my plot twists)

Also, the picture is of like,,, the highlight of my writing. Idk why its so funny to me but it is?? So yeah,,, enjoy my shitposting. Also if u find all,the references u get a hug

(are yall ready for some angst??)

Ryan wakes up to arms wrapped around his waist and a face buried into his shoulder. He shifts slightly, trying to kick some of the blankets off of them. For all he loves Luke, he has way too much warmth in him to snuggle and then put two blankets on top.

It's no use, for once the blankets are off, Luke simply snuggles closer and tightens his embrace on Ryan's body. Ryan huffs in frustration and quietly gives in to his lover's cuddles. He looks around silently. Sunlight is shining through the curtains, and the cat is laying where the sun hits the bed. She's stretched out like the lazy little thing she is, her head in the sun as she looks back at Ryan curiously.

He smiles at her. She sniffs indifferently and turns her head away, closing her eyes. Ryan frowns, feeling hurt.

So much for making friends with the cat. Then again, Luke calls her Princess for a reason.

Ryan narrows his eyes.

Spoiled bitch.

He's probably gonna have to ask Bryce for good cat toys to win her over with.

Ryan lays still, warm and cozy in Luke's arms. The bed isn't anything amazing, but it fits them both and that's more than enough for Ryan, if he's being honest with himself.

He ends up losing himself to his thoughts. School's going well. He's done all his homework, he's passing most of his classes (sans calculus, but does that really count as a class? He's pretty sure it's a torture method.), what more could Ryan ask for?

Actually... he's graduating this year, isn't he? He's in his final year of high school. This sends a small wave of dread through him. What's he gonna do after high school? He wants to go to college, and what if that splits him and Luke up? He's not too sure how well he'd do without his boyfriend.

Oh, God, what if we break up? What if it doesn't last? What if our parents don't like each other?

What if Bryce cries at our wedding? How does he deal with that?

Ryan tenses. He's thinking too hard, too much, and about things that are too far off to really worry about. A soft, lazy kiss is felt on his jaw, along with the soft brush of someone's beard against his shoulder.

"Hey," Luke croons, softly nuzzling his shoulder. "You're tense... you a'ight?"

"Yeah," Ryan mumbles. He leans back against Luke's bare chest, relaxing. "Just thinking, I guess."

Luke nods. It feels a bit weird against his shoulder, but it's also not worth complaining about. "Then don't think about whatever the fuck it is you're thinking about. Think about last night, and how fun it was."

Ryan finds himself smiling. Luke has a point. He rolls over to face Luke (though it's a bit hard to do while tangled up in his arms) and kisses him gently. "So you admit it was fun?"

"Well... yeah," Luke admits quietly. He shrugs his shoulders, a small blush on his cheeks. "I didn't know you could be so bossy and demanding like that, Ry, baby."

Ryan grins proudly. "So you admit-"

"It was kinda hot. Like, really hot," Luke announces, grinning proudly.

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