Anxiety + an energy drink

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Raes P.O.V:

This whole morning was packed with intense vibes.After almost exing an energy drink I plummited down on one of the free chairs,just as a few more people entered the room,most of them sat in the back,but an officer I have never seen before stood next to the sergeant.

As the sergeant started to talk,I couldnt help but notice how ready everyone looks,so up for the task,while Im sitting here trying to keep my shit together.My palms start to sweat,only for me to notice that they called my name

"Peck youre rolling with Fox,who looks a little nervous so we will go easy on her"

I couldnt help but smile.It was a rather faint smile,but as I looked into my training officer,she did smile back.

When everyone started to leave the room,I stood up only to brush my hand trough my hair and tie it into a high ponytail

"Hi,um,Im Rae-" I muttered as I shaked her hand.She had a really firm handshake

"Hi Rae,Im Gail,Gail Peck" Officer Peck said

"And really,there is no reason for you to be so stressed out,I wont kill you Rae" She pointed out as we started to walk towards the cars. "Today,I want you to observe my every move,take notes and dont get distracted.Its really not that hard when you  get a hang of it"

I fixed my eyes on the ground beneath me,only to finally let words escape my mouth "Not saying its the hardness Im afraid of,Im afraid of doing something stupid and messing up,like loosing my badge,or lets say getting suspended,but that aside,what are we doing today?Oh and whos driving" I asked locking my gaze on Gail

She had short brownish hair,and blue eyes,which the dark blue uniform complimented in a positive way.Looking at her,she seems rather cold,but my instincts cant be trusted,since I dont even know what to think about myself

"I dont know,well see what comes up,we arent needed in Richmond at that shooting,something else will come up.And as far as I know you dont know how to start the car.You will have to proove everything" Just as she finished talking we entered the car

The engine started to purr as the voice on the radion spoke "1504 there is a 911 call on Haven St.,698,4th floor,a father is holding his daughter and wife on a gunpoint"

"1504 on it" Gail replied in a firm voice as the car existed the police yard and started to drive trought the streets.She turned on the siren with one flick of her finger.Not turning her eyes from the road she spoke out "So what do you think we should do?"

"Take out out guns,not shoot but negotiate,bring the man in and take the daughter and the mom into a safe shelter" I spoke out.I surprised myself at how steady I sounded

"Good thinking!" Gail said in a congratulating voice

The car hurried trough the roads as quick thoughts went trough my head.Well this sure is going to be an interesting first day

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