What If...

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I walk down the sidewalk in town. My heels click on cement, and my dress swaying against my knees. My hair is freshly cut and styled, my hat perfectly put on my head that matches my dress. I carry a coke and a loaf of bread. I take a road to Barker's Eddy. I rip the bread into little parts and throw it in the water to the fish. I watch the fish eat it, drink my coke, and watch as a few people walk by. Then I look around to find no one... I kick off the heels, pull up the skirt up to my thighs, throw my hat off, and I run into the water. The fish immediately swim away to the deepest part of the pond and the ducks on the other side fly away. I laugh and kick the water around. I find a smooth flat rock and skip it across the water. 6 times it jumps. Soon I get tired and sit on the bank of the pond. I push the sand with my feet. The grains of sand run through my toes and tickle my feet. I read the book I pulled from my hiding spot behind a tree. Soon it starts to get dark and I hide my book and put hat and heels back on. I feed the rest of the bread to the ducks that came back and were swimming near me. When I get home the phone rings. I pick it up, it's Jem. "How's law school?" I ask "it's very good I got to recreate a mock court case and I won" he replies " that's great" "yes it is I wish Atticus could see how well i'm doing" "he is I promise" " your right, well I should study they are testing us tomorrow" "alright Jem goodnight" "goodnight Scout". I hang up the phone, and walk into the library. Aunt Alexandra is sitting with Miss Maudie " Jem called and said he misses us" I tell her " im sure he did, can you pour more tea for us" she says blankly. I take the tray into the kitchen and pour more tea and put a few biscuits on the tray and bring it back in. I walk upstairs and change and get into bed.
    I wake up and get dressed. I sweep and bake a pie. I bring a book and the pie and walk to a house. I walk up the stairs and knock on the door. Robert opened the door. "Hello Miss Jean Louise, come to visit again" Robert said "yes I am, where is your mother?" I reply "still in bed, but she feels better today". Robert takes the pie to the kitchen and I walk to the room on the right. "Good morning Calpurnia" I say "good morning Scout" a week voice said coming from under the blanket on the bed. I walk over and read the book. When I finish she's asleep. I get up and go to the door, "goodbye Robert" I say "Bye Miss Jean Louise, your pie is just as good as last time" he replies "thank you" and with that I walk home. On the porch there's a strange man. "Scout?" He said questionly, "who are you?" I reply "it's me... Dill"
    I take a step forward. "Dill? Is it really you?" I say "yes Scout" he says with a chuckle. "Well come on let's go inside" I say as I led him through the door. "You've gotten tall, your taller than me" I say which is true he's taller the Jem now and his face has changed so much he's much more handsome now. I lead him into the sitting room and Aunt Alexandra walks in "and who is this"  she says to me "it's an old friend remember Dill?"  I replied " I don't think so, besides shouldn't you look for a husband and not old friends" ,"I found one, he is right there" I pointed to Dill. " You waited for me" Dill says to me, "of course I did, we promised we would marry each other.  Aunt Alexandra didn't think you would come" I replied. Dill smiled stayed quiet, we all were quiet until he said "let's go take a walk".
    We went out the door and walked passed the Radley place. Boo Radley was outside rocking in a rocking chair and waved to me. I waved back and Boo went inside. " Was that?" Dill asked, "ya he doesn't say much but he comes out and rocks in that chair and waves. He's getting better at talking to people, I try to go over every now and then to make tea. " I replied. Dill and I talked about what we did for the past 8 years. Dill's mother was scared of him getting hurt if he came here and that she could protect him better, also with her health declining he had to take care of her. He also said that he has been drafted in to the second war.  I told him how i tried to be a lady the best I coud and how I still act myself in private. I told him about all the books i've read. I told Dill about Jem and how well he was doing in school. Dill called Jem to see how he was doing while I bought snacks from the grocery store. We walked to Barker's Eddy together. We sat on the bank with our feet in the water and our toes in the sand, we ate our snacks in silence. Only the croaks of the frogs could be heard.  " Where's Atticus?" Dill says suddenly, " what do you mean" I say not understanding. " I've seen Aunt Rachel, your Aunt Alexandra, Jem, and you i've even seen Boo Radley. I haven't seen Atticus. Where is he? Is he busy in court?" I sighed.
"Dill..." I say," Atticus... Atticus died"
"What do you mean he died?" Dill says confused," how did he died and when?" I replied, " he died a year and a half ago, the stress,  his old age, and everyone calling him a nigga lover. It just brought his health down until his heart stopped".  Dill looked sad and said he was sorry. "I should have come" Dill says after silence. We didn't talk after that. Dill got up and left, I stayed until the sunset.
    I walked home to find Dill sitting on the porch. "What is it"  I say, " I was saving this for the day I left for war but i'm gonna give it to you now." he replied," Atticus gave this to me. It was your mother's" he said and got down on his knee. " Will you really marry me Scout?" he asks.
I smile and say "Yes... of course I will, we promised."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 22, 2018 ⏰

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