4 : Play Date

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Bradley called Butters home phone right after they got home. His dad answered. 

"H-Hello? Is butters there? " He asked, biting his nails.

"Oh, yes. Just a second." He replied, handing the phone to butters.

"Hi, Bradley!" Butters exclaimed.

"H-Hi Butters. I just got moved into South Park." Bradley said, nervous.

"That's great, Bradley! Why don't you come over to my house sometime!" Butters said, all happy and excited. 

"I would love to, Butters. I'll see you in a little bit." Bradley hung up and went to help his mom unpack the kitchen. 

"Mom, after we are all done unpacking can I go to Butters house?" Bradley asked his mom. 

"Sure, dear." His mom replied, placing the knives in the drawer. 

Bradley rushed and unpacked all the boxes he could, and ended at 3:30 pm. 

"Bye mom!" He said as he left to go to Butters house. 

"Be back at 6!" His mom called out as he shut the door. He ran over to Butters house, and knocked on the door.


"Come in!" Mr. Stotch said from the couch. Bradley came into the house, and saw Butters on the floor, playing with toys.

"Bradley! You made it!" Butters exclaimed, hugging Bradley. "What should we do first?" He asked, eager to play with Bradley. 

"I don't know.. You can pick." Bradley said, feeling overwhelmed for no apparent reason. 

"Follow me." Butters said, grabbing Bradley by the hand and taking him up to his room. 

Kid posters were up everywhere, such as a Barbie Ken poster, A dog poster, and a Panda bear poster. 

God, this kid is really kid-like Bradley thought as he looked around Butters room. 

"Here is my favorite toy." butters said as he held up a play cat toy. "Her name is Kitty." He went on. "If I turn her on, she purrs." It was one of those Fur-Real Friends cats.

"Yeah... Cool.." Bradley said, sarcastically, though he tried to hide it to make Butters not feel bad.

"This one is my Doggy. His name is... uhh... Cowboy." Butters said, holding up a brown plastic dog. 

Bradley pretended to have interest in what Butters was saying, but he honestly didn't. 

After minutes on end of what felt like forever, Butters was done introducing his toys. 

"Cool." Bradley said, sitting down. 

"Well.. uhh.. What do you want to do now, Bradley?" Butters asked, placing a toy in a toy chest. 

"I-I don't know. We could watch t.v.." He suggested.

"Sure! Lets go downstairs." Butters said, taking Bradley by the hand. 

Butters went down the stairs and sat down on the couch followed by Bradley. He turned on the t.v and started to flip through the channels. 

"What kind of shows do you watch?" Butters asked. 

"The Hallmark channel and ABC family." He replied. Butters put on the ABC family channel, and as always, The Big Bang Theory was on. 

"I love this show." Bradley said. 

Together, they watched T.V For hours, with small talk. 

"Bradley, your going to love our school." Butters said, leaning on Bradley. He put his arm around him, 

"I'm sure I will.." 

(Sorry it took so long >~< I was sick and I had school things to do :/ Well, hope you liked it! Leave comments on your opinion and suggestions! Also other SP ships you want me to do a story on.)

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