Chapter 2

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Twas the night before Sam was supposed to leave for college, and Casey had been spending the night with Sam since it was the last night before he left.

"Do you remember this?" Casey asked him holding up a picture of them with Riley, Mikaela and the Autobots in their Bipedal forms.

"Wow, where'd you find that Sherlock?" Sam questioned her taking the picture from her hands smiling fondly at the picture.

"Under the pile of clothes you had on the floor. I saw it peaking out," Casey said smiling as she walked up to Sam hugging him, nuzzling her head into his chest, "I'm going to miss you." She mumbled out knowing she was going to miss him.

Sam sighed as he pulled his sister into a bear hug.

"It'll be alright, Casey. I promise we won't end up like Mikaela and Riley."

"Promise?" She said questioningly, and she really didn't want what happened to Mikaela and Riley to happen to them, she already lost contact with one friend she didn't need to lose two.

"I swear on mom's life," Sam smiled down at her.

"Wow, that's a big promise," Casey smiled back at him, knowing he wouldn't lie to her, I mean he was her big brother the same one who would always help her back up after falling down.

They separated as a noise outside made them move to look outside the windows.

We the siblings look towards the window, they saw a very gloomy Bee outside.

"That's it!" Casey shouted throwing her hands up, "We're using the emergency signal we set up so she will answer! Because this ain't right!" She pointed towards Bumblebee.

Sam gave a nod knowing this was going to happen whether he agreed or not. But he wanted Riley back home so 1) Bee would stop playing sad violin music and 2) so he could chew her ear off.

Casey pulled out her phone and started to scroll through the contacts to find the Emergency signal her and Riley had set up. When she found the contact she hit the call button.

Halfway across the world on a little island called Diego Garcia Riley's phone started alarming.

"I'll meet you guys on the plane," she told Lennox as she stopped and pulled out the device.

Lennox nodded and continued towards the plane with his men and the Autobots.

"Casey? What's wrong?" She spoke as soon as she answered the call.

"You! That's whats wrong! You're never home anymore, Bumblebee is practically in depression he thinks you don't love him anymore! And honestly, I feel like I lost a friend!" Casey shouted into the phone not really caring that her parents were asleep.

Riley sighed and hung her head. She looked back up towards the plane that was waiting to take her and her team to Shanghai for their next mission with sudden dread.

"I know, I know, and I'm sorry," Riley started, "No one's lost me yet and you won't- unless I die that is- so calm down a little. Tell you what, when Ironhide comes back to Tranquility tomorrow I'll come with him and say goodbye to Sam and your parents to everyone. Just don't tell anyone so we can surprise them, alright?"

"Okay, but you have to make it up to Bee, Riley. Also, tell Ironhide to stay safe and that I love him," Casey sighed.

Riley smiled, "I swear on Bee's life that I'll bring Hide back to you safe and sound. And I'll think of something for Bee but it's just so hard to do the long distance thing. I mean I don't know how Ironhide does it, always here always there. It makes my head spin if I'm being honest. Casey, I don't think my heart can take this. I wish I could be home more, I really do, but I just finished up my training a few months ago and now I'm on every mission Lennox is. I've got no time for myself let alone anyone else," Riley sighed sadly, "What do I do, Case?"

"You for one need to call more, two you need to have the heart to spark with Bee and Three you need to come home. Also, Ironhide and I make it work because we trust each other, and call when he gets off and before missions or when he has a moment. Sure it's hard but we make it work." Casey smiled as she spoke into the phone.

"Riley! We gotta go!" Lennox called out in the distance.

"Casey, I gotta go. Shanghai is calling," Riley said, forcing a laugh.

"Now I know that was forced laugh but bye and for the love of god stay safe," Casey said.

"I will, I will. Tell Bee that I love him. I'll see you tomorrow."

Casey sighed before letting her friend go.

"What did she say?" Sam asked, Bumblebee listening to.

"She said, that she is sorry and will try to call more," Casey started before turning to the Bee in the window, "Also that she loves you, Bee," She continued with a smile.

Bumblebee's head picked up and he buzzed at her to question if he had heard her correctly.

"Yes you heard me right Bee, she still loves you," Casey confirmed what she said.

Bumblebee stood and buzzed excitedly.

Casey and Sam let out a laugh, before Sam turned to her, "You should get some sleep sis, it's late and Ironhide is coming home tomorrow," Sam told her kindly.

And now it was Casey's turn to jump up and down, squealing with happiness before running to her room to go to bed. This, in turn, made Bee and Sam laugh.

"You should- too- college- in the- morning," Bee said through different channels, then laughing at the sight of Sam jumping onto his bed squealing with joy that he would be living without his parents.

Bumblebee remained by the window for a minute before he turned and walked towards the garage for the night.

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