Red is your love, Dark is my heart. (One Direction boyxboy)

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A/N: I have no idea where this came from. I'm not a pervert, I promise. I wanted his life to be a bit miserable so... here it is. You can guess and there's nothing to graphic. Seriously, I didn't know I had it in me. Nobody seemed interested but I really wanted to write this. So... don't hate me and fan/vote/comment? :3 Oh and there's a bit of cursing and bad words.  UxU

Red your love. Dark my heart. Hot your blood. Cold my veins....

The night was dark. The clouds grey. My vision blurred. How many times have I taken the insults? Their words stabbed me, right in the heart so many times, I thought it wouldn't hurt anymore. Home. The lights are off but I know he's there. I can hear him snore.

At least tonight, there's less pain. Less than yesterday but I know it's even less than what will come tomorrow. I walked up the stair to my room and laid down on my bed, making sure to lock the door. Not that I'd ever forget to lock it, not anymore. Not after those nights, where he came in to hurt me. In more ways than one. A beating for tomorrow was enough, I didn't need to be more from a night of burning pain. The kicks, the punches, scratches and blows. To the head, the ribs, the chest or the legs. The bruises, the broken bones, the scars and the cuts. All of them, better than THAT pain. I mean, the scars and cuts that weren't made by myself. Those were even better. Perfect. My way out. Even just for a bit.

I heard a bit of noise. Steps. Coming towards my room. I sat straight up in my bed, getting up and making the less noise possible. I grabbed a duffel bag. I though he was sleeping, didn't think he could have been faking. I shoved a few clothes and the bag, grabbed my cellphone, wallet and iPod. He tried to turn the handle. "Fuck. Why did you lock it, Liam? Little fucker, I know you're in there. You know what I want, open the damn door. I opened my window throwing the duffel bag out. "LIAM, DON'T LET ME FORCE THAT DOOR OPEN!" he yelled. ¸

Suddenly I heard nothing. I sighed knowing he gave up for the night and going back to make sure the door was solid. Then it opened, slamming in my face. "Son of a bitch. I knew you'd be there!" he grabbed me by the throat throwing me to the wall. I winced. "I would have been gentle tonight but, you don't deserve it. He punched me in the gut. I held back a cry of pain and my tears. "Little motherfucker, get your arse on the bed." I just stood there. He grabbed my shirt and pushed me to the bed, pinning me under him. I started to shake. "No. NO. Stop it, get off!! STOP!" I yelled as he grinded on me. " Got your tongue back? Shut the fuck up, fucker. You know you like it. You want it." I did the first thing that was on my mind. I scratched his face. I know, I'm weak. Maybe if I wasn't so weak, if I wan't a wimp. It wouldn't keep happening.

"You're gonna regret that, punk!" He started punching me, shaking me. My head hit the headboard, hard. He punched me in the ribs repeatedly and I heard a crack. I screamed. "Good. Next, you'll be screaming even more. At least this time, pretend to enjoy it." "NO!" I yelled. I grabbed the lamp off my side table and slammed it on his head. His body fell to the floor. I could tell he was still breathing, I just knocked him out. Without a glance back, hissing in pain, I climbed out of my window, picking up the bag and left in the night.





[No POV]

"Smell that?" a young man with curly hair whispered to three others accompanying him. They were walking the streets, for a bit of fresh hair, not being able to sleep. Not like they needed it. "Something's coming. Or someone." A blonde guy stated. "It's panting. It's difficult for them to walk. Blood, pouring out. I hear some cracking. Might have something broken." They stopped moving, all their senses ready, waiting for something to happen. "It's a boy. I wonder what happened. Louis can you hear his thoughts?" a tanned skin boy asked another one, skin a bit paler than his, with bright blue eyes.

 "No Zayn. Something is keeping me from doing so." "I say we finish him, since he'll probably die soon anyway. Either from blood loss or exhaustion." he chuckled. "No way, Harry. I swore on my life something like that'd never happen."  the blonde one replied. "Niall, I don't ca-" they hear a thud. They agreed to watch each others backs and go check what it was.

There before them, laid a boy sporting many forming bruises, cutes and scrapes, scratches and wounds. There was a gash on his forehead, which was bleeding and you could tell there was one at the back of his head too, from the way his hair was sticking. One of his wrists twisted in a weird angle and his breathing was short and difficult. His chest heaving, he was groaning in pain. It was a difficult sight and the boys could tell he had suffered. "Still want to end him, Harry?" the blonde asked. "I could never, Niall."





A/N: What did you think? Worth it or not? Liam's story is going to be sad, I'm telling you. I feel mean. I don't have any pairings decided yet, I thought I'd make this kind of a fight over where the boys battle for his heart. Not right away though. I don't know it this is a first chapter or the prologue. Send me your opinions? Much love. xx

Red is your love, Dark is my heart. [On Hold.]Where stories live. Discover now