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A/N: READ THIS!! I need to know if you guys want me to put the real Cullens in this story or use the boys' entourage or both so please comment!!

The next day, I woke up in my bed. At first, I thought this was all just a crazy dream. Me getting beat up and taken by the Cullens. I made my way to the bathroom and was shocked by what I saw in the mirror. I had a red eye. My left iris was now red, like blood red. I had no idea how it happened. Heterocromia. I had read about it once. I was literally freaking out. It would only give the people at my school another reason to call me a freak and bully me. I breathed out.  "Calm down Liam." My dad had left for work but I didn't want to walk downstairs. Instead, I did my normal morning routine and then carefully climbed down the tree next to my window.





"During the weeks to come, we are going to talk about the five senses, what is their use, how can one cope if one or more of them are malfunctioning and some disorders or troubles attached to them." the biology teacher stated. I sat next to William but he ignored me so I did the same. The teacher drone on and one about the structure of the eye and vision troubles, using a few glasses wearing students as examples.

"Can someone tell me what photophobia is?" William raised his hand. "Photophobia is a symptom of abnormal intolerance to visual perception of light. As a medical symptom photophobia is not a morbid fear or phobia, but an experience of discomfort or pain to the eyes due to light exposure or by presence of actual physical photosensitivity of the eyes." (Thanks Wikipedia ;)) "Correct, Mr.Cullen. Ah, what do we have here? I didn't know we had an heterochromic in the class. Very unusual color, what happened Mr.Payne?" I could feel all eyes on me, especially William's. It was now 5th period and nobody had noticed.... til now. "Complete Heterochromia Iridum.  Heterochromia refers to a difference in coloration, usually of the iris but also of hair or skin. Heterochromia is a result of the relative excess or lack of melanin. Did you get injured? Are you ill? Those are source of acquired heterochromia. Liam, please come back at the end of school day. You may chat."

Here it goes, hushed whispers, fingers pointed in my direction. I'd grown tired of it. The blue eyed boy was still staring at me so I looked him in the eyes. "Stop that." He continued to stare and so did I. I felt weird tingles in my body and looked down. "Liam, I-" Saved by the bell.





I've never been that happy to get out of class, it was sooo awkward having all these eyes on me. As I was walking towards my locker to get my Maths book, I heard someone yell; "Hey! Watch out!" With reflexes I didn't know I had, I turned around and saw a football coming straight towards my head. I caught it as it was an inch away from my face then threw it back at the guy. He dodged it and it got lodged in the wall behind me. "It was an accident, you psycho freak!!" He shouted before taking his ball and leaving. What the hell is wrong with me? "Argh!" A flash of pain coursed through my forehead. I ran towards the East Hall bathroom, not caring as I bumped into students. I knew it would be deserted at this time. I slammed the door open and stood in front of the mirror, gripping the sides of the sink. My eye was now a darker red and it hurt like hell. "OmG, I'm gonna be sick." I opened the door to a stall and emptied the contents of my stomach, which was nothing but gastric acid. A soothing hand started rubbing circles down my back. What the- "Shh, it's me Har- Edward." 

"You'll be alright, mate." he said handing me a bottle of water, patting my shoulder and leaving. I ended up spending the period in the bathroom, trying to figure out what was happening. When the last bell rang, I got out and made my way back to biology class to meet with Mr.Peeters. Sure enough, he was sitting there at his desk waiting for someone. Oh, me.

I cleared my throat. "Erm, you wanted to see me, sir?" "Oh, Liam yes. Close the door please. Take a seat." I did as told and sat at the desk directly in front of his desk. Something felt wrong. My body was sending me signals, saying I shouldn't stay. Who am I kidding, it was screaming at me to flee from this man, jump out the window or dig a tunnel in the ground to reach safety.

"Now, Liam, tell me what happened. To your eye. We both know this is not ordinary heterochromia. A red as vibrant as yours... and it changes to a darker tone, uh?" He cracked his neck. This man was giving me feels. Not the good kind of feels. The I'm-gonna-die-he-creeps-the-hell-outta-me-somebody-help-I-think-i-just-peed-my-pants-oh-wait-I-did kind of feels. He looks so threatening. He sniffed the air and his eyes changed. They were now those of a predator. "Did you just pee yourself?" A low chuckle rose from his throat. "You're a funny one. Now, which vampire did this to you? Their scent still lingers around you but strangely enough," he kept sniffing, "They didn't claim you or marked you as their own. Guess they threw you out?" Vampires? This man was definitely disturbed. I got up and picked up my bag. "Very funny sir but I must get home."

In a flash, I was pinned against the board, both of his arms on either side of me so I couldn't move. His eyes had turned completely black. "Funny indeed. Let's make things even more fun." He hissed as his canines seemed to grow. Fangs. Like, real fangs. Like vampire fangs. Shit. "Stop peeing yourself. Clear?" I nodded. My bottom lip was trembling. Even my father never made me pee myself two times in a row. "Aww, how cute." His face came closer to mine then he pecked my bottom lip, grazing it with his teeth. "Oh My God, get off me." I shoved him off. Wow, weren't vampires supposed to have super strength or something?

I took off running out the door. He was behind me I could tell, then something felt terribly wrong. I slammed into someone and looked up to see him standing in front of me only, his appearance had changed. His voice was lower, he looked younger and if he didn't look as dangerous, I'd say handsome and really attractive. "Going somewhere, pissie?" I turned back around and ran in the opposite direction. As I passed the janitor's closet, I was yanked inside. "Let me g- hmphnmfph." Whoever it was had put their hand on my mouth to keep me from yelling so I did what anyone would do in this situation: I licked it. "Argh, what is wrong with you! It's just me." I looked up to see him.

A/N: To sucky chapter, sucky cliffhanger. Sorry guys, this is what happens when I like someone. >.< Who do you think is in the closet with Liam? Who should it be? What is going to happen? Secret, not telling you guys. Check out my other tories pleae? Thank you guys for everything, I finally feel good at something. Fan/Vote/Comment? Peace, love and steak. *_*

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2012 ⏰

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