How I Met You. - Part Two.

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James and I ended up missing fourth period. I certainly don't regret, we got to know each other even though there really wasn't much interesting about my life. Thinking about my encounters with two of the Cullen boys, I made my way to biology. The only open seat, to my surprise was besides William Cullen. He too, had blue eyes but his were different than James'. His light brown hair and lightly tanned skin weren't the only reason he was the most liked of the siblings. He was also the most friendly. Well, that's what I heard. Walking to my seat, I took a glance at him to see that he was glaring at me. If look could kill, I'd be dead. Twice. I lipped into my seat and he positioned himself as far away from me as he could. Great. He kept shifting in his seat throughout the class. Did I smell or something? I couldn't wait for class to end. When the bell rang, William left the room as fast as he could. I sighed and made my way to gym class with Mike. Mike was a boy I had met and one of the only students in school that willingly talked to me.

"William acted a bit weird today. I've never seen him like that. Did something happen between you two or?" I shook my head. "Not that I know of." Towards the end of the period, my name was called to the front office. When I arrived there to my surprise I saw William. I stood as far away from him as possible, waiting for him to finish. "Why?! You can just switch me or something. Can't be that hard!" I heard him yell at the receptionist. "I'm sorry Mr. Cullen but you cannot switch biology class. Now, excuse me but others are waiting." He turned around and spotted me in the back. He tensed up, then sneered and glared at me and left. Fuck.





A few days passed without me actually seeing him in school. Mike hung out with me at times and introduced me to his friends. We've met months ago so why try and become fronds with me just now? Whatever. I was actually worried about William's absence. Sure since James had been friendly with me during lunch that day and Edward saved my life maybe I could have talked to them but I felt stupid every time I tried doing so. It was a one time thing. I shouldn't think of them as friends just because of those things. But seriously, what if William had stopped coming to school because of me? I stopped dead in my tracks as I was about to enter Biology class. He was sitting casually there, at our desk. I got shoved into class and walked to my seat. "Hi." he said. Someone slap me. Was he actually trying to be nice? "I'm William Cullen." "Liam Payne." I replied. I guess he was friendly. We did our experiment and at one point, my hand touched his. It was like electricity flowing through my body. When we finished our assignment we sat there and talk him asking me questions about my life. Just Like with James, I answered vaguely and talked to a minimum.





Snow. Ice. Cold. Falling to the ground and breaking my face. Usual morning in Forks. Winter's here guys! I'm sooo excited. I got to school a bit earlier this morning. A I got out of my beat up truck I heard a loud screeching sound. I looked up to see a blue mini-van, spinning out of control on the ice making its way towards me. I didn't have anytime to move out of the way so I just stood there, waiting for the impact with my eyes closed. Sure it would hurt but, I was actually happy at the prospect of dying. No more Forks, no more Dad, no more Noah. No more pain, no more cuts. I'd miss nothing. I felt something hit me, but it wasn't a car. There was no excruciating pain or anything. I opened my eyes and looked up to see him. The only one I hadn't met yet. Jawaad Cullen. Can someone please explain to me how he stopped a car from crushing us with his hand while he was about five cars away from me? Who can move that fast?

"How did you do that?" I asked him surprised. By now, most people had come running to us to assure we were okay but my eyes were locked onto his deep brown orbs. "I was right next to you." he replied. "Yeah right and my name is Bella Swan. You were over there I saw you." he chuckled. "I think you may have hit your head, Bella." "Dude, I ain't stupid alright." "Never thought you were." he shot me a 'we'll talk about this later' kinda look. We got took to the hospital to make sure we didn't have any injuries. He introduced me to his father, Dr.Carlisle Cullen. Damn, that man was hot... not that I'm gay or anything.

After all this whenever I'd try to speak to one of them they'd ignore me. We used to at lest say hi to each other but they barely acknowledged my existence anymore. And it hurt. Because I had actually started to think some people cared for me.

*Night of the prologue*

I had gathered some money doing some shitty jobs over the past weeks and I didn't want to go home. I decided to go to a little restaurant not that far from the house. I entered and the waiter told me I could sit at one of the booths closed to the door. "Hey isn't it the Payne in the arse?" one of Noah's friends called out, pointing at me. "Yes, yes it is." replied my favorite bully. Sense the sarcasm here? They both made their way to my table and sat across from me. "What's up lamer? Where are your little freaky friends?" I shrugged. "Did they finally ditch you? Took them some time. Guss they realised how worthless you were." I still said nothing. "Did one of your little 'vamp' friends bite your tongue?" I stayed silent. "Or maybe because of your good for nothing dad. Did he hit one of your friends too? Maybe he was so drunk, he thought it was you." I got up with tears in my eyes and made my way home.




So now you guys know what happened. This is messed up I know. xD I tried though. I'm open to any suggestions you have. I tried to divide the things between our four vampires. :) Please fan/vote and comment? It's two chapters in a day, I'd like to know what you think and get some feedback. Please. Much love.

xx Justine

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