Shout out.

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I Want to give a big shout out to @JordanxD she is an amazing writer go read her books

hanging with carter' and 'maximum ride' @JordanxD

@JordanxD @JordanxD @JordanxD c: :3 ...........

Have you followed her yet? Have you read her books yet?

If your reading this STILL then you haven't. Now. Shoo. Follow @JordanxD @JordanxD @JordanxD @JordanxD @JordanxD @JordanxD @JordanxD @JordanxD @JordanxD @JordanxD @JordanxD @JordanxD

You better follows her. Or I will hire a VERY creepy clown to stalk you till you do. DONT TEST ME!>:)












Ok I'm done. For now. <3 YOU!!

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