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The tv turns on revealing a news reporter facing back, a building with a broken window behind him.
"Police are still on the search for the man, but are very close to putting him behind bars. Back to you Lucy."
Then tv changes to a young woman at a desk.
"Thx John, today a royal family from Japan has landed in New York. Yuki Giichi and her father Akio Giichi, have come to take a year vacation."

"Give me the remote!" Yelled Raph as he struggled to get it from Mikey. "No! I wanna watch my show!" Leo and Donnie shake their heads, then Leo walks over and takes the remote "you two are such children."
"Oh ya?" Raph asks and stands popping his knuckles "how about I show you-," then mikey pushes him back down and points at the tv. "Look Raph! A real princess!" Everyone turns and Leo steps aside to see two people walking out of a plane. One was a older man in a dark navy blue kimono, and the other was a beautiful women in a pink kimono dress holding an umbrella. Her hair blew in the wind as the camera people took pictures of them, standing behind a long yellow tape as police stood along keeping them out. Yuki kept her eyes closed and her head high as she follow her father. Two servants following behind them.

"Heh, what do you know, a real princess," Raph says leaning back on the couch. "
"She's of royal blood yes, but not really in power. Aside from their wealth and title...so they do have some power." Donnie says leaning on the back of the couch.

Yuki walks on a red carpet into a black limo. Their servant opening the door for her father letting him step inside. She closes her umbrella then goes in behind her father, the servants close the door going in on the other side.

"Once we get to the hotel change quickly. We have a party to attend," her father says looking at his book.
"Yes father," she says holding her umbrella in her lap. "And we go," he turns to her "don't embarrass me." Then looks back at his book. She nods and keeps her head low.
"Yes Father."

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