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Raph look over to see the princess on the ground unconscious. "Shit," he mutters as he drives like crazy. The truck next to his belong to the foot clan, hitting the side on him as some ninja quickly get on.
Raph growls and makes a sharp turn, making some of the ninja fall off. But two stayed and started to stab their sword threw the hood. "Great," he mutters as Yuki, still out cold, mutters in her sleep.
Raph was close to home, but first he needed to shake off his passengers. Just when they were about to get in, Leo and Mikey jump down on the roof.
"Sorry, but you don't have a ticket," mikey says tossing one overboard. "So I'm afraid this is your stop," Leo says knocking the other off. Happy with their work the two boys high five each other before going inside.
Donnie got inside while Leo and Mikey took care of the two on top. Once in he sees Yuki and quickly goes to her "what happened?!"
Raph looks over for a second and grown "she whacked her head when I turned." Donnie sighs and checks for injuries, only to find a big bump.
Leo and Mikey jump in closing the door behind them. "Is she alright?" Leo asks walking over. Donnie picks her up and nods "she will be fine, just a bump." Leo already knew what happened and nods getting in his seat.

The truck drives down the road till they go in a old char building. The garage door lifts up till it open the entrance, then falls back down once they are in.

Donnie walks out with the princess in his arm, her robe draping under his arms gracefully. Raph jumps out behind him and stretches as his brother, Mikey, follows Donnie. "So, can we keep her?"
"No Mikey," Leo says following behind "we just need to keep her safe till everything cools down. Then take her back to her father." Mikey frowns and lets out a long "awwww," as Donnie lays Yuki down on the couch.

"I see you have retrieved her," Master Splinter says walking out with his cane. Donnie smiles as Leo walks over proud that they have successfully finished a mission. "Yes Master, but it seams she couldn't handle Raph's driving." He says lifting an eye brow at Raph. He just shrugs lightly saying "eh, you know princesses. They're delicate flowers."

Splinter sighs shaking his head then turns to Yuki "as long as she's safe.....Let's just hope that the foot won't try to take her again."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 27, 2018 ⏰

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