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Yuki look in the mirror seeing her hair put up and a beautiful piece of gold jewelry put on her hair. Her red lips face back as her as she dabs on some blush. The soft puffy brush clinks when she sets it on the table, next to it is a beautiful box of pink powder. When she closes it a beautiful gold koi fish on the kid faces her, being back all her old memories.
She looks down at it and close her eyes as a single tear goes down her cheek.

When she herd a nick on her door she quickly wipes it away "who is it?" She asks as she stands up and puts on her golden lace robe over her kimono dress.
A maid walks in and bows "my lady, they are waiting for you." Yuki nods and slides her hands in her sleeves "Let's go then."

Everyone was clinging together their drinks, eating the sushi and rice balls that were sitting on silver trays. Butlers walked around holding trays of saki in glasses with little umbrellas in the cup.

Yuki stands by her father as he brags about her to his friends. She smiles softly and looks at him "father please," he chuckles and puts his hand around her "What? I'm just talking about how amazing my daughter is." The men chuckle and smile "she really is something Akio."

After a while they walk off to go talk about business. Yuki stands around and drinks her saki.
Soon she sits down and starts to read a book, a woman came to talk to her and sees that the book is in Japanese.
"You must really like to read," the lady says smiling. Yuki smiles back and nods "I do, I even wrote one."
"Really? Wow, that's impressive. I'm April," she says holding her hand out. Yuki looks at it then stands up bowing "it's a pleasure to meet you April. I'm sure you already know who I am."
"Yes, and it's an honor to meet you," Yuki smiles and stands up closing her book.
They talk as they walk to the library, as they were Donnie listens from his computer on the roof.
"Alright April is in place, Leo your on."

Somewhere els Leo nods with his finger as his ear "roger, let's do this thing."

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