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Yuki was talking in the library with April, a a spy looks around the ball room. He was looking for her but she couldn't be seen, for him this wasn't good. "She's not here," He says pressing a button on his ear.
"Find her," a voice says back to him making him walk out of the ball room.

Donnie sees and groans "shit," He says pressing a button on his communication device. "He knows, April, don't let him him."

April here and smiles at her "which one is your favorite?" Yuki smiles and walks off looking for it. As she does April quietly closes the door and locks it.
"It's right here," Yuki says holding out a book "I love this one, it's the story of Mulan."

"The Disney princess?" She asks taking the book. Yuki smiles and shakes her head "no, the real story. The true story of her life, becoming a worrier and going to war....I wish I can be like her"

The man walks to the door only to hear April say "why you say that?" His eyes widen when he hears the princess voice "I wish I could do more things, actually get to explore the city like a normal person....I want to be a strong worrier like her." April smiles at her and nods "then do it, don't let anyone stop you or hold you back."

The man tried to open the door but it was locked. He presses on his ear and says "I found her, she's in the Library."

"Good," says a voice "I'll send the team." At that moment a group of foot ninjas brake into the ball room making everyone scream in fear.

Yuki and April turn to the door "what's going on?" Yuki says walking to the door only to be pulled back by April "you need to come with me," she takes her hand and runs to the Balcony. Yuki follows but yells "April! What's going on?!" April pants and opens the door walking out, she presses on her ear saying "I'm here where are you?" But Yuki grabs her cheeks and makes her look at her "April....what is going on?" April was shook when she was a few inches from her face but sighs "I need you to trust me okay." She grabs her hands and slowly lovers them.

Yuki stood there for a second then sighs "I trust you." At that moment Leo scoops his hand under Yuki grabbing her from above and holds her close to him. "Hello your majesty, I'm afraid your in danger." He sets her on the roof and helps April up.

Yuki looks at him then turns to see Two more walk over. Once in a orange mask, and one in a red mask. "Who are you? Yoki?" She says turning to the one with a blue mask. He chuckles softly as smiles "if that's what you want to call us, but I'm afraid there's no time."

She nods and sighs "Alright, I guess I have to trust you now."

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