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That day my life changed, if they haven't showed up I may not be here.

I remember it like it was yesterday.

"Hello princess," mikey says bowing before her making her blush a bit. "H-hello." Raph rolls his eyes and pats Mikey's head "we don't have time, we need to get you to safety." At that moment Kari walks threw a door on the roof. Everyone turns as a helicopter flies above, foot ninja sliding down.

Before I knew it the turtles surround me with their shells to me, protecting me from the foot. I could see Kari threw the cracks in between two of the turtles.

"Hang her over," she said swinging the blade. Leo growls at her holding his blades "never."

That's when I saw them fight for the first time, she motioned her hand and the foot attacked. But I never left the circle....and neither did they.

"Raph get her out of here we will back you up!" Leo says making an opening as Raph walks in the circle. I watched him twirl his twin sias and put them in his holder. "Sorry princess," he picked me up and put me on his shoulder "change of plans." He runs off making grab onto him quickly as he ran from rooftop to rooftop. I looked ahead to see the rest fighting, some ninja followed us as Raph jumps down and sets me in a seat in a truck. "Hang on," He closes the door and drives off.

I grab onto the seat and look around to see computers and other tech stuff. But when a big truck hit us I feel off to the side. Hitting my head causing me to black out.

But that was just the beginning.

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