~Chapter 14~

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Shanaya's P.O.V

I sighed and picked up the call.


"Hi Shanaya." 


"What happened? You seem a little upset?"

"Yeah actually a lot just happened in one day."

"What happened?"

"Me and my cousin Elina are leaving London and going back to Delhi."


He sounded so excited I was actually really surprised.

"Do you think you could visit me?" He asked.

"I'm sorry Nitin. But I don't think so." 

"Oh." He sounded a little sad.

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay!"

We hung up after that and I began to pack.

It wasn't easy is all I could tell you. As I put photographs and memories away I felt as if a huge part of me was crumpling into pieces.

I bit my lip to prevent myself from wailing.

I took a deep breath and promised myself that I would stay strong.

Soon my vision began to black out.

I looked at the time 

4:30 PM it said.

I must have fallen asleep while packing.

I heaved myself up and went to go meet Shravan.

We all went as a group and decided to meet and discuss what was currently happening.

I went and sat down and we began to all stare at each other.

I decided to start first.

"Well. I think we are all aware of the fact that we all are leaving London and heading back to Delhi." I said.

"And we also know that we all are shocked and upset about this." Said Elina.

"I suggest we try and come up with a solution to this." Said Amaan.

"Listen I think that we are going because it's been a long time and college is officially over. Plus it's only a matter of couple months. After that we will be back in London managing our jobs." I said.

"You are right and besides we can meet up in Delhi anytime. All we have to do is tell our parents."

We all nodded our heads in agreement and got up.

It still didn't feel the same.

I got myself together and went outside in the car.

We reached the dorms and went inside.

The suitcases were being loaded out into the hallway for tomorrow. 

We had laid out clothes that we were supposed to wear.

I headed to my room and went to sleep.

The next morning was busy as hell. We were getting a taxi booked to the airport.

The taxi arrived and all four of us got in.

My head rested on Shravan's shoulder and he looked at me and smiled.

We reached and got to the airport.

After going through security and getting the luggage checked in we headed to the gate waiting for our flight to be on time.

I sat there wondering what was going to come until finally on the speaker they announced that the passengers who would be going on our flight needed to be ready to board.

I got on the plane and sat next to Shravan.

We looked at each other and smiled weakly.

As the flight took off we began our talks.

"Are you feeling okay?"

"Yup feeling fine. Just a little lost."

He nodded his head.

"It's a new start. After all this is over we will be back together."

I kissed his forehead.

The flight continued and soon we had to get off the plane because we had connecting flights.

The second flight I fell asleep for about 1 hour and when I woke up it was night and we had reached Delhi. 

The lights.

The honking.

The noise.

I was back home.


I know I know I know!!!!

I could have made it longer!

But I want to keep you guys hoookkeedddd.

Hope you enjoyed the chapter even if it was short

The twists are coming!

They are on their way!

And soon before you know it 

They will be here😁😂😈🙈

I'm so evil 😂

See you guys soon :)

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