Chapter One

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   *Pic of the school

Avery's Pov

  Welcome to the relam of ''Esterhaven'' this realm is full of magical creatures like faires and goblins and even UNICORNS! Sorry about that my name is Avery Asteria Melia! But people just call me Avery! Esterhaven is separated into many places, but the most well known places are Groteque(Death), Mefilthra(Elementals! my home!), Iommocian(Insanity), and Tojeodran(Life). These places are well known for the Esterhaven realm, but right now  let's focus on my home.

 Meflithra is a big city! We were given the powers of the elementals gods to protect ourselves from the ''Deathlens''. That was what we called the people in Groteque. You see way back before I was born my people and deathlens went into a all fought battle for land of course the deathleans won of course their power is way powerful than ours, but my people were only noobies then and didn't know how to control their power.

 Since then we made peace with the ''Deathlens'' and we signed a agreement that we would not fight anymore. Which was kind for the king and queen to accept. Yep our nation is ruled by a king and a queen they both are really kind and sweet. Beside the point we are a peaceful nation and want to keep living like this for a long time. 

 ''Avery! Who are you talking too?'', said Finn shaking my shoulder.

  This is my childhood friend, Finn. We been childhood friends for a long, long, long, long time. Of course I have a big crush on him with his short rosey red hair and red flame eyes. Also with his sexy black frame glasses and his white button up shirt but one on top isn't button and his black pants and shoes.

 ''Um! Avery your drooling!'', said Finn not looking suprised.

 ''Sorry! I got distracted!'',I said waving him off.

 ''Well okay but aren't you going to open that letter that's in your hand.'', said Finn pointing to letter that is in my hand. 

 ''Oh right!'', I said opening it up.

 The letter that was in my hand was a acceptance letter to the most prestigous school in all of Etherhaven it was the school of ''Mamiotall''. Mamiotall is a school for all magicains, but you have to take a very important exam to get into the school. 


 I can hear him choking while hugging him, I let go of him and smiled. Finn was a coughing mess. I couldn't stop jumping up and down it was the most excited thing that every happened to me the whole day.

 ''What happened?'', said Finn still coughing.

 ''I got accepted to Mamiotall academy!'', I said still jumping up an down.

 ''Awesome! Also never do that again just do a normal hug.'', said Finn smiling.

  ''Okay sorry Finn! I have to show my mom and dad!'', I said hugging Finn and and waving him goodbye.

 I ran to my unique home and that was the Palace of Mefilthra. Yep! I am a princess of this wonderful nation. The castle is big and blue the guards were standing near the gate. I walked up to the gate and greeted my guards I walked in the castle and saw the light blue chanderlier hanging high and a balcony with two stairs connected on both sides right and then left. I saw my mom she was wearing a light blue long dress with silver flats(but you couldn't see it). 

 ''Hello sweetie! How was Finn?'', said my mom smirking.

 ''Oh! He's fine!'', I said blushing.

 ''I see!'' she said smiling.

 This is my mom Queen Atasi, and well my dad is named King Chandraneel. Also I have 4 siblings but I am the oldest out of the all of us. My siblings name are: Cyan(Girl age:10), Livie and Livia (twin girls age:8),Manikant and Manikaant(twin brothers age:7), Afina(girl age:5).Yeah! That's basically my whole family! Oh! I forgot I also have my grandpa and grandma living with us and also my two favorite pets(but you will see them later).

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