You Have The Right To Know

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Many of you may be wondering why my updates have slowed to a crawl, and you deserve to know why. Most of this will sound like excuses or just garbage flowing onto the keyboard but please, hear me out. To begin I suffer from severe depression and suicidal thoughts, this writing project was actually a coping mechanism. Funny how that works eh? Anyway, other than that I also have some form of hallucinogenic disease I am unsure of the correct term. Basically I see and hear things that no one else can (such as breaking glass, whispers and even clear voices) and I have one consistent voice/figure that my mind puts in front of me every day. Both augmented into reality and within my mind. Now I already know most of you reading this will call bullshit, and I do not blame you. Most people would use these things as crutches or straight-up lie about them for sympathy, I am doing neither. I do not want your sympathy or your worry, I am simply putting this out for you to read so you understand my position. That about wraps it up, better days to you all. Until next time.

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