Part Two

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Casper and Lawrence continued to rest as Lorelei stayed crouched behind the crates, daring not to move. She lowered her breathing and tried to think of a way to escape, she couldn't stay there forever. But it was going to be difficult with her bow with her.

Just as she began to move, she heard Casper speak again.

"Come on, you big oaf!" Casper yelled, urging Lawrence to keep moving. Lawrence refused to move, earning him a slap on the back of his head. "I'm not letting that bitch get away!"

Now was time to move, it was now or never. Lorelei began moving around the crates, always being on the opposite side of the guards as they walked past. She continued to walk backwards, making sure that the guards were out of sight when she felt someone grab her plait and began to lift her up by it. Lorelei dropped her bow and tried to struggle against whoever was lifting her up. She spun around slightly, only to see that it was Casper, his eyes filled with a burning fury.

Lawrence chuckled. "Got 'er now, Casper!" He shouted with glee. Casper simply nodded in reply.

Lorelei furrowed her eyebrows and drew her dagger and began to swing it around furiously. The most amount of damage she could cause was a slight scratch against Casper's chain mail armour.
"Ha! Pathetic little elf, aren't ya?" Casper laughed at Lorelei's struggling.
Lorelei's mind was racing again, she needed to find a way out of this situation. She looked down at her dagger and it came to her. The only issue was her blade may not be sharp enough. Lorelei decided to take the chance. She lifted up her blade and cut it through her pale blonde hair.

She debated over whether she should take her bow with her. The bow had been in the family for 2 generations, keeping in mind that elves live for quite some time, she couldn't just leave it on the street. She still had the quiver on her back, so when she got the chance she could use her bow. Casper and Lawrence were already injured, so it would make it easy for her to outrun them. And then, when she created a large gap between them, she could fire some arrows at them. Only warning shots, though. It would create too much trouble, people would fear elves more than ever. But all elves look the same to the guards, so hopefully, the guards will completely forget about Lorelei and Zoron.

She fell to the ground, grabbed her bow and began to make her escape.
Casper and Lawrence stood there for a couple of seconds, trying to understand what just happened. Lawrence snapped out of it and began chasing her, Casper quickly followed suit, dropping the plait on the ground.

Lorelei had a general idea of where she was going, she just had to retrace her steps, quickly. Lorelei began to murmur the directions that she took to help her.

"Left at the at the blacksmith..." She whispered to herself as she took a right at the blacksmith, knowing that she has to reverse all her directions to get back. Her mind went blank while she was trying to remember the next direction. While lost in her mind, she ran into someone and dropped her bow.

"Sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going." She quickly apologised. Lorelei looked at the person she ran into. She instantly recognised him as the dwarf who was being harassed by Casper and Lawrence. He seemed to recognise her too.

"Oh, you're the lass that stabbed that guard before." He said with a little chuckle. "The racist bastards deserved it too," Lorelei remembered the satisfaction she felt when Casper had felt the same amount of pain he was inflicting on the dwarf. "Thank you, for that." The dwarf thanked Lorelei, he deeply appreciated what the elf girl had done for him.

Lorelei continuously looked over her shoulder, Casper and Lawrence wouldn't be too far behind.

"I'm sorry. I have to go." Lorelei began to run past the dwarf when he grabbed her wrist. She spun around in confusion and mild horror. Was the dwarf going to hand her to the guards? No, he wouldn't.

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