Part Three

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Zoron's house was built within a giant oak tree. The Lyts family were renowned for producing the finest leather from their elks and had gotten quite wealthy because of it.

Zoron's mother, Talara Lyts, was a successful nurse at the Erlenwood infirmary. Talara had come from a powerful family of battle mages, so she was born with natural magical abilities. Although, she had become most powerful in healing rather than the offensive magic that her family was known for.

The healing magic that Talara had mastered was the most powerful known to elf-kind. It could heal any wound, as long as the caster can see the damaged area. So if someone were to break a bone, Talara would have to cut through the skin to heal the bone. Or they would have to let it heal itself.

Zoron's father, Embuur Lyts, was also a powerful mage. He had served on the front lines when the elves when to war with men, he was one of the few who survived. Embuur was known as the 'Flaming Sorcerer' all those years ago. He was one, if not; the most powerful mage on the battlefield. Many had fallen victim to his flaming fury.

Zoron himself had inherited magical abilities from his parents, though, he and his parents know not of what magic Zoron specialized in. So he would practice more with his dagger until his magical ability surfaced.


Lorelei knocked frantically on the oaken wood door. Akiles let out a small whine, sensing Lorelei's uneasiness.
It had been approximately 3-4 hours since Zoron had been injured. The last time Lorelei had seen him he was covered in his own blood; life slowly slipping from him.
Akiles had taken Zoron back to his home, as he was told to by Lorelei.
She knew that Talara would be able to heal Zoron, it was just a matter of getting him to her before he lost too much blood.

Lorelei reached over and scratched Akiles behind his ears and ruffled his fur. Akiles purred in reply.

The oaken door was suddenly swung open and Embuur stood in the doorway. He didn't look surprised to see Lorelei standing there.
Lorelei lowered her head slightly in greeting.
"Hello, Mr Lyts... sir," Lorelei said nervously, before quickly realising why she had come.
"Is Zoron alri-"
"Zoron is fine," Embuur interrupted, his voice had a tinge of anger hidden in it. "It was only a flesh wound," he continued. "Talara was able to heal the cut,"
Embuur studied Lorelei carefully. She wasn't strongly built, but she wasn't weak either, she could undeniably handle herself just fine. He noticed that her normally long, pale hair was ruggedly cut down to her shoulders. And that half of her tunic had been ripped off, and the other half was covered in dirt and sweat.
Lorelei shifted uncomfortably under his gaze, and Akiles whined again.
Lorelei looked down at her feet, trying to avoid eye contact.
Embuur sighed and gestured for Lorelei to come in.
She immediately took the offer and went inside, lowering her head in appreciation.
As Lorelei entered through the doorway, she was immediately greeted by Talara, who ran over to her and hugged her.
"Lorelei!" Talara exclaimed in relief. "Thank God, you're safe, " Talara gave Lorelei one last squeeze before releasing her from her grip.
Talara studied Lorelei, making sure that she wasn't injured. She noticed Lorelei's hair and ran her hand through it.
"What happened to you?" Talara asked, concern covering her face. She looked down at Lorelei's clothes and noticed the torn tunic.
"Looks like I'll have to give you one of Zoron's spares," Talara suggested as she fiddled with the ends of the tunic with her fingers.
Talara loved Lorelei as though she was a child of her own. Although, Lorelei only came to know Talara on a personal level due to her parents trying to get closer to the popular, rich families.

Lorelei hesitated before reluctantly telling Talara about Kakgrim and the guards who were chasing Zoron and herself down.
Talara looked at Lorelei, concern covering her face. She pulled Lorelei in for another hug.
"So it was those drunken numbskulls again," Embuur muttered under his breath.

Lorelei reached into her left boot and pulled out a silver dagger. Zoron's dagger. Upon closer inspection, Lorelei noticed that on the hilt of the dagger, was Zoron's name, carved into it.

She looked up to Embuur, his was face flushing red in fury. Lorelei took his hand and put the dagger in it.
"Make sure Zoron gets it when he wakes up," Lorelei said softly, unsure on what to say next.

The three sat in silence for several minutes. Lorelei was sitting next to Zoron, waiting for him to wake up.
"Would you like some shortbread, dear?"
Lorelei glances up to see Talara holding a plate full of small pieces of bread. Talara placed the bread on the table, along with some elderberry jam and a cup of tea.
Lorelei glanced at Zoron before standing up and walking quietly to the table. She lifted up the cup of tea and brought it up to her lips, sipping softly at the tea.
"Thank you, Mrs Lyts." Lorelei continuously looked over her shoulder to see Zoron, hoping that when she would look, he would be awake.
Talara saw Lorelei's uneasiness; sat down next to her, and put her hand on Lorelei's knee.
"He'll be awake soon, hun," Talara spoke in a soft tone, hoping to comfort Lorelei. "Don't you worry,"

After what seemed like hours, Zoron started to shift uncomfortably.
Lorelei immediately jumped out of her seat and ran across the room.
She looked at Zoron with hope in her eyes. She inched closer and closer.
Zoron shifted again and then sat still.
Lorelei released her breath, unaware that she had been holding it in anticipation.
"Your breath smells..."
Lorelei looked at Zoron in shock, as he slowly opened his eyes, with a huge grin spreading across his face.
Lorelei, unknowing how to react, began smiling uncontrollably and gave Zoron a playing punch in the arm.
"I thought you were dead!"
"It takes more than a mere sword to kill Zoron the Great!" Zoron shouted and posed with mock confidence.
Lorelei burst out laughing, along with Zoron.
Just as Zoron had finished his burst of laughter, he felt a sudden slap across the back of his head. He winced at the pain and turned to see a furious Talara, standing menacingly behind him.
All the happiness that flowed through Zoron had suddenly flushed away and replaced by fear as he made eye contact with his mother.
"Zoron..." Talara gritted her teeth, barely holding back her anger.
"Yes, Mother...?" Zoron knew not to anger his mother, that was a side of his mother he would rather not see.
"What were you thinking?!" Talara shouted, her eyes welling up with tears. "You could've died!"
Talara wrapped her arms around Zoron and hugged him affectionately.
Zoron hugged his mother in return, his eyes stinging with tears.
Zoron looked up to see his father standing before him.
Embuur fell to his knees and hugged his wife and son.

Lorelei quietly slipped away, thinking that they should have some time to themselves.
She opened the door and was greeted by Akiles, who jumped up on top of her, knocking Lorelei down, while licking her face affectionately.
Lorelei pushed Akiles off and ruffled his fur. She looked off into the distance, only now realising that she should return home to her own family.
Lorelei jumped onto Akiles's back and began to ride towards the Southern part of Erlenwood, where she and her parents lived.

Author's Note

Hi all!
Yes, I am aware that is has been a while... I am sorry.
School has begun and I fear that I will fall behind if I have not done so already.
Sorry, this chapter was, yet again, shorter than the last. I will try to improve on that.
Hopefully, I won't be so lazy and I'll publish the next chapter soon.

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