Chapter 9: And his end

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Adrenaline rushed through my veins as Shu stared at me with those deep blue eyes intensely, making me paralyzed on my very spot. His eyes were like black holes with slight blueish tint and they were swallowing me to the whole.

Well, what was I doing with him? Let's go thirty minutes back.

I was strolling through the campus of my college, bored to death. I had a free period and nothing better to do. The thought of swimming crossed my mind, but the swimming pool was closed at this hour. I usually chat with Haruka, but she was absent today too.

'What a luck!' Ironic, right?

I was lost in my useless thoughts when I suddenly bumped into someone. I lowered my head to bow and apologize without even seeing the person's face clearly. I apologized a couple of times hastily, but got nothing in response. I thought it must be some snotty senior but as I got up from my leaned down position, I saw the most blank pair of blue eyes drilling onto me.

I gulped. "... Hey, Shu.." Yes, I recently got to know that Shu was in my college too- Kyoto National College. First year.

Shu said nothing and I didn't expect otherwise. You had to consider yourself damn lucky if you ever see him or make him have a decent conversation. I sighed.

"... Okay. Sorry again." I turned around and almost got away from him when I suddenly heard his empty voice from behind.

"Aren't you forgetting something?"

I gulped for the second time. I knew very well what I was forgetting. He wanted to know about me and Akashi. My freaking ex husband!

"Well, what?" I tried to act innocent as my last resort.

He raised an eyebrow. "Well, I think you're forgetting the day when you used me as an escape route from your own problem."

"... and the reason why you did is..." I probed him to know his own reasons to help me out with narrowed eyes.

His eyes actually looked amused. "The reason why I did it because you promised me to explain everything. I expect you to keep your promise like the good little girl you are."

I narrowed my eyes at him further. He didn't just call me a good little girl, did he? Well, whatever. He could think whatever he wanted.

I took in a deep breath. I am going to finish this in one shot. "That day, that red haired guy with a really hot chick was, my... ex boyfriend. I didn't expect to run into in the middle of Kyoto and in the cafe where I worked because as much as I knew he moved to Tokyo. I obviously didn't want to talk, meet or face him in any way so I requested to you to help me out there by taking their table. He's a weird chap so yeah, I wanted to avoid him at all costs. That's the whole story in short."

I exhaled after finishing my long paragraph.

He didn't utter anything, not even a single word. He just stared at me with those empty blue eyes of his for a considerably long time, then he said, "Oh," Then he turned around abruptly and left me with my mouth hanging open. He was unbelievable!

I couldn't believe him. "Should I get offended by this or something?" I muttered to myself.

*** *** ***

The walk to my home from college was lonely and grueling as Haruka wasn't there to accompany me. I kept watching the vehicles rushing to their destinations, lovey-dovey couples, whining kids with their parents, teenagers goofing around with friends etc. while I kept walking alone.

Not like I hate to walk alone or anything. Walking on the road alone was far better than sleeping and staying alone on the roads for days when you have no where else to go. That I know better than anyone, believe me when I say that.

I was looking around everywhere when I saw a black haired boy around 11 or 12 was crossing the road with his mother's hand in hand. For a moment I mistook him for someone I used to know long time ago, someone from my dark hidden past and stopped dead in my tracks.


Obviously I was wrong. It was just a random kid who had black hair and blue eyes. What was I even thinking? How could I see him here in the middle of Kyoto?

In fact, how could I even actually see him... In reality? When he was not in this world anymore…

I remembered the last time I saw him.


Again, I lost track of time. Well, you don't expect me to keep track of whether it's day or night when I was practically hanging against the wall, do you?. My arms were lifted upwards and tied with metal chains and my dangling body had its back leaned against the white painted wall.

Again, everything I saw was blood. Red. My blood. The white wall, the white floor, my white dress, my chestnut colored hair, my body, his shirt... Everything was bloody red. I turned my head to the sideways only to catch a glimpse of my bloodied hand with several cuts and bruises. My whole body was in an inexplicable pain because of the lashing of the leather whip.

When will it end? I asked myself, but got no answer. I thought about how I had to give fake explanations tomorrow of my bruised arms and neck and shoulders to my boyfriend.

Akashi Seijuro.

He had been a loving boyfriend. And being the protective boyfriend, he was, he was concerned about the bruises and slashes all over my body. And each time I lie and give some fake explanations.

But he knew that I was lying. And I knew that he knew too. And being the possessive person he was, he might put a spy on my tail and find out about the truth.

I don't care much. Actually, I don't care at all.

Through my blurry and delirious gaze, I saw Shinosuke coming towards me again with a sick grin plastered on his face. I noticed he had a shiny pointed thing in his hand. It looked like a very big sharp needle.

He stood in front of me. He still had that smile. I tried to smile too.

"Hello!" He piped.

".. h-h... h-hi..." I somehow breathed out.

"I brought a new toy." He brought that big needle in front of my face so that I could see it properly. "Wanna see how it works?"

I looked at him, smiling so brightly. I said nothing as it won't make any difference.

He simply stood up onto a wooden tool to reach my hand. He took hold of the palm of my hand and observed it carefully. Then he brought the sharp needle closer to it.

The next thing I felt was the needle pierce on the tip of my finger.

I screamed in indescribable pain. I thought I already lost my voice. It looks like I didn't. I screamed and screamed as he kept piercing on all the tips of my fingers until I felt my throat sore.

Then he pierced the needle right under the nail of my middle finger. 

He pulled the nail off my finger one by one and started piercing the needle in those pools of blood and flesh.

I screamed again. When I felt the pain I looked at him and saw that his hand was painted with my fresh blood.

My eyes were drooping and I was close to lose consciousness. Again.

Suddenly, my ear perked up at the sound of some commotion downstairs. Sounded like someone came.

'Whoever came, they didn't actually come to be your knight in shining armor, do they...' I was amazed by my own sarcasm in this state. Hilarious old thing I was.

But, by some miracles of heaven or some sort, after so long time, my thoughts were wrong. The wooden door of the room burst opens when Shinosuke was busy slashing my neck and shoulder.

For a moment I stopped breathing and forgot what was happening around me and what state I was in as I saw a greatly shocked Seijuro by the door. His crimson hair, heterochromatic eyes, intimidating aura were too much for me to ignore.

For some weird reasons, tears sprang  in my blue eyes as I saw his eyes widened at my state. 'He came. He actually came. He came...' I kept chanting to myself until I believed everything that was happening around me was real.

He rushed towards me in a flash. Shinosuke seemed a bit bewildered by everything and seemed a bit annoyed for interrupting him. Akashi pushed the boy so hard that he fell off the tool far away from me.

"Ena, Ena!" Akashi said frantically cupping my cheeks. "Can you hear me? Can you talk? Ena, ENA!!"

I tried to smile at him. "Looks like my knight in shining armor has come..." I joked, but ended up coughing a huge amount of blood on his navy blue shirt. "Sorry." I said sheepishly.

He seemed to ignore my rambling as he stared deep into my eyes. He looked somewhat relieved that I was still acting myself meaning still didn't lose my sanity. Or what was still left of me.

When Akashi was untying my hands, some heavy and burly looking man in black suits and black sunglasses entered into the room. I recognized them as Akashi's bodyguards as they used to come to school to check on him some days.

"Don't worry. Everything's going to be alright. I am here now. You're safe now. Everything's going to be alright." Akashi kept saying and I was a little surprised. I have never seen him so shaken up. Maybe watching such a grotesque scene like this was too much to take for him.

Suddenly I felt my heart swelled up with giddy happiness. 'He really loves me... Just like I love him...' I said to myself. All those talks about him caring for me, his protectiveness, his concern for me was not just for show. He really, really did care for me. The experience I had with my loved ones, in my past led me to become a person who didn't trust others no matter what anymore

But that was until I met Akashi. Maybe I had changed. Finally.

If it was possible for one person to change someone's entire world, then in my case it was Akashi who changed my everything.

I saw Shinosuke's mother and father; Mr. Kajanoka and Mrs. Kajanoka dashed to the door. They wanted to enter into the room to help their son who was lying on the floor unconscious, but the bodyguards by the door held them back firmly.

Akashi helped me to stand up, but I couldn't. My slashed legs were numb with pain and I felt pathetic. Not hesitating even for a second, Akashi picked me up bridal style effortlessly. He headed towards the door and without even glancing at Mr. and Mrs. Kajanoka as he got out of the room with me.

He got out of the large house and walked up to his black limousine. He placed me at backseat, very carefully and he got in. He ordered his driver to drive to his mansion.

I was feeling dizzy and delirious that I realized that I was going to lose consciousness again soon. So before I get knocked out I asked him, "W-what about t-them?"

He looked at me then he put his one arm around me and put my messy head on his lap with care. Without even caring about the blood, he caressed my stained cheeks, my disheveled hair, my forehead with so much love and care that again I felt tear trickle in my eyes.

"That you don't need to worry about." He said with a very dark voice.

I looked at him confused. But it was only for a second and I lost consciousness on his lap.

I woke up after two days straight in his mansion and in his room or to be more precise, in his bed. My wounds were already treated and my pain lessened to the minimum. I was in a better shape and Seijuro was always around me. Caring and loving me more than ever and I couldn't be more happy. He didn't even get angry at me for not telling him these earlier. He said he was just happy to have me safe and sound now.

But never did he mention anything about Shinosuke or Mr. and Mrs. Kajanoka during this time in front of me. Not that I was eager to know about them either, but I was kind of scared if they would do anything to Seijuro or his family since they were pretty rich and influential. So, one day I asked him about this.

He looked at me amused. "What made you think they could do anything to me?"

"Since they are quite rich and influential. I know it be--" I was cut off by his chuckle.

"You really underestimate me, don't you?" He said chuckling and taking my hand into his. "If you think they are 'influential' then you don't even know the definition of the influence just yet. Those small businessmen like them are nothing... not even a small fish in front of the Akashis."

"Oh ho!" I chimed teasingly. "Looks like I got caught by a pretty big fish here!"

He smiled as he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. "Yes. Pretty big fish. And you aren't getting away from it ever again." I leaned my head on his shoulder as he snuggled his face in my hair.

It was a few days later when I knew about the real truth. He was on his phone in the other room and I felt bad for eavesdropping. But I was beyond shocked over what I heard Seijuro say on his phone.

"Did you do the job on that psychopath?" He asked. I understood that he was talking about Shinosuke but I didn't get what job they were talking about.

"Don't even call him a kid. That psycho was lucky that he got to see the lights of this world for this long. We did what should have done a long time ago. Someone should have finished him long ago."

*** *** ***

I stood frozen on my path for some time reminiscing the memory as people who were passing me gave me weird looks.

That was the very last time I ever heard about Shinosuke, clearly because that was the day he was found dead in his own home. Along with his mother and father.

I clearly knew and understood that this decision was way too dark and a vicious crime in so many ways. I knew he was furious but this was not how he should've dealt with this situation. There's a reason why we have laws and police and reinforcements. You are never allowed to take your vengeance this way. If everyone took laws in their own hands then there's no point in having them in the first place. Everyone would become criminals and they wouldn't even realize it.

I knew everything. I understood everything.

But still I didn't say a thing. I pretended as if I don't even know anything. I clearly knew that this was not how I should be but still I didn't say anything.

As if I was acting on this silent rage that was hidden deep inside me.

I didn't realize why I did it back then but now I finally do. Thinking back, there was just too much hatred in me; not only for the psychotic, sadistic Kajanoka family but for the entire world. I loathed everything- my father for dying so early, my mother for selling me off, my shitty luck, my pathetic life, myself, my… everything.

There was too much resentment that had brewed inside me.

And exactly one week after this gruesome incident, Seijuro and I got married without his father's consent and blessings. But at that time nothing else mattered except me being with him. We were happy.


A/N: Hi *waves nervously* Now that was a pretty... intense chapter. And a pretty long one. You happy?


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