Chapter 27: And the party began

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Even though I wouldn't admit it out loud, I sort of missed these annoyingly posh and glittery parties filled with fake people with fake smiles and deliciously expensive yet untouched food on the decorated tables. Quite a waste, I've always thought.

I slowly stuffed my fourth piece of Turkish delight as the creamy sweetness melted inside my mouth making me moan in delight; I haven't had one in years. I wouldn't deny that, internally, I had already forgiven Aihana for inviting me in this party because of this. The white crunchy crust on the outside and the sweet, soft, pinkish filling on the inside- brought me a hint of pleasure in this humanely intolerable environment.

"You seem like having fun," Shu beside me scowled.

"I'm trying to enjoy this hell-hole of a party with what I have." I shrugged as I popped another one inside my mouth.

Shu looked at me blankly. "Might I remind you, that it was you who brought this hell-hole upon both of us in the first place."

"Which you reminded me quite a couple of times since we came here." I pointed out.

He sighed in exasperation.

I looked ahead of me. Couples were dancing on the dance floor, chattering and sound of shrilly giggling every now and then filled the enormous hall and every once in a while, I had caught one or two staring at me with the corner of their eyes. I sighed, knowing that they must've recognized me even after all these years.
I was pretty sure that Aihana didn't know about me and Akashi's history because if she did, I wouldn't be here now, in this goddamn party, standing with my head still intact. But that only lead me to wondering, how did Akashi even manage to keep Aihana in the oblivion all these years with all these people around who did know the infamous history of Ena and Akashi Seijuro.

Well, it was Akashi Seijuro, I was talking about here. He could do things which no one could even imagine in the first place.

I sighed again then turned to Shu, rejecting all my train of useless thoughts.

"Let's dance." I offered.

"I don't dance." Shu replied rather coldly.

"Come on!" I groaned. "I don't bite."

Shu ignored me and took out his phone only to drown himself in whatever he found interesting on the screen. I scowled at him.

"Fine!" I stomped my heels on the floor angrily and walked away from him, only to make a beeline towards another table that contained some different kinds of light snacks and desserts than the previous table.

I watched everyone with a bored gaze as I put small cubes of chocolate coated nuts inside my mouth one after another. Until a deep voice interuppted me.

"You seem quite famished." Akashi said from behind. He came to stand beside me by the table.

The whole evening, I saw him walking around the entire hall with Aihana glued to him, greeting and introducing everyone and checking every single detail around the place with scrutinizing gaze. And now he was standing beside me, not looking a bit tired at all.


"Wrong. I'm not even hungry." I uttered which made him raise his eyebrows at me. "I'm just passing my time in this goddamn party."

He chuckled lightly, surprising me. Then he offered his hand in front of me. "Then care to join me for a dance?"

"Not quite." I said shortly and put another chocolate coated nut inside my mouth looking away.

"Come on, Ena. One dance?" He said and I saw amusement dancing in his heterochromatic orbs. "I won't bite."

I stared at him for some time until I gathered up what I thought. "You see, the plan is to avoid your creepy ass and stay far away from you until the end of the party. And I was successful... until now."

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