Chapter 11: The Conversation

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"And that's why I wanted to talk to you."

I rendered speechless upon hearing his careful yet smooth statement. I clenched my teeth in annoyance.

"What is it that you want to talk about after four years?" I screeched as anger was evident in my voice.

The waiter approached interrupting the heated atmosphere that surrounded us; the poor guy must had noticed it too. I started looking at the menu thoroughly while Akashi ordered just a cup of black coffee. I searched for the cheapest dish on the menu and it was a plain vanilla pastry. I ended up ordering it with bubble tea. Akashi frowned at me.

"You don't like vanilla." He stated.

I hated how he could still remember my preferences. "My taste changed." I lied.

He stared at me for a while as if he was staring directly into my soul. "Are you perhaps worried about the price? You know, I'm going to pay right."

I scoffed. "You may be right. And of course, you're gonna pay cause you think I can't afford a piece of cake. Belittling my social status has always been your hobby, hasn't it?"

"Look, you know I didn't m---"

"Of course, you meant it like that!" I growled cutting him off. He was pissed off for getting cut off and glaring at me dangerously, but I couldn't care less. He was no one to me and what could he possibly do to me in a public place? Slap me?

It was silent for a while as he took a sip from his water. I looked outside the window and watched the busy road silently.

"What do you want, Akashi?" I asked sighing, tired of all these dramas.

"Where have you been all this time?" He asked me quietly.

I turned to him to throw a sharp dark glare, but my eyes turned soft as soon as I saw his state. He was avoiding eye contact with me and looking everywhere but me.

He is uncomfortable.

It's not like my mentality and behavior was going to change over that, but I decided to at least answer his questions without being snappy and sassy.

"So you really don't know, huh? I was... here in Kyoto all this time. I didn't try to contact with my mom or anything and she obviously didn't either.

“I looked for jobs but failed to get any. I applied for the college with the little money I had in my account and thanks to my academic result, my college gave me a full scholarship considering my financial state. I met a friend there, got a half decent job and things are pretty stable now, I guess."

I noticed that he listened to me very intently and carefully staring at my eyes. I searched his face for a fraction of emotion, but there were none.

"And... Where did you live?" He asked me straightly and I couldn't hold back the urge to roll my eyes.

"Well, I stayed in the streets for some time before I applied for college since I couldn't afford the rent and all thanks to you, I was completely penniless to even have a decent meal a day." Again he avoided meeting at my dark gaze. "After that I lived with that friend of mine for some time before moving to my current apartment with her help."

He remained silent and my anger started to rise again. Are these the only things he wanted to talk about? How I lived?! Where I lived? To mock me after that?

"I know it's late." He started slowly. His red and golden eyes that were merciless the day he threw me out were unexpectedly soft now. "But I realized the actions and decisions I took four years ago was not the best. I was blinded by rage which was not like me."

I sat thundered on my cushioned seat for a while. This was so unlike him. Akashi Seijuro never apologized. That's because he believed that he was not capable of making any mistake in the first place. Even though it didn't seem like a clear apology, it was a huge matter for a egocentric guy like Akashi. Did I possibly stumble into another dimension or something?! After four years of misery he saunters back into my life and says that he was freaking blinded by rage?!

Again, my anger that was subsided by his sudden apology and overlapped with astonishment, came back. My blue eyes turned darker than ever. My body was literally trembling with rage and agony. My hands balled into fists and my jaw clenched tight.

And he noticed this, this sudden change in my behavior.

I stood up from my chair abruptly and harshly which sent the chair behind me backwards with a loud screech. I looked at him straight in the eyes. Even though he was sitting and I was standing, he was still able to look down on me. Like he was born to look down on everybody.

But at that moment I didn't care.

"You say that after these four years?" I said calmly but my voice was dripping obvious scorn and hatred.

"I told y--"

"You say that after this four freaking years?!" I repeated cutting him off and he looked annoyed. "You come back with a chick and say that to me?! Have you possibly expected me to forget all those insults you threw at me back then? All those shame you threw at me? You called me a gold digger, a slut.”

You made feel like the most worthless existence on the earth.

I inhaled. "You didn't believe my words. Instead, you trusted your 'trustworthy' source of information, you trusted that lying machine Naoko. You trusted your hypocrite freak of a father..." 

His heterochromatic eyes hardened and darkened like a stormy night. His expression was cold like ice and intimidating, as if he could freeze me into an ice just by looking at me. "Just because I let you speak doesn't mean I will let you insult my family as you like. Don't you even dare to go there."

I chuckled darkly. Our conversation got more intense than I thought and I was slightly grateful that there were not many customers at the restaurant. "Guess what, I don't fuckin' care."

His chiseled jaw clenched tight.

"You never had any trust in me from the very beginning. You threw me out. You left me on the streets, Akashi."

My voice wavered without my intention.

"And above all... You made scared again..." My eyes were no longer looking at his as they were fixed on the floor. “You told me you'll never make me feel scared again.”

My vision got blurred as I remembered that memory. Without any intention, tears threatened in my eyes and a single drop of tear rolled down my cheek. That memory was something I would never in a million years want to remember. Yet he made me remember. I wasn't crying because I felt weak. I was crying because I realized how much stronger I became after bearing all those pain throughout my life.

I raised my head and met those heterochromatic eyes in Akashi. His eyes were unexpectedly soft but his expression remained unfathomable. I could never know what goes on inside that head of his even after living with him for almost three years. He was so mysterious.

"Whatever you say, you and I both know you crossed a line that day. You destroyed something between us that day that can't ever be fixed." I said emotionlessly. There was no hurt or pain in my voice.

I was already standing as I turned around to leave this place that was suffocating me with his very existence. Before I could leave the table he spoke and I froze.

"And I regret it. I regret ever raising my hand on you."

I flinched even by hearing that.

"If you really regret it, then do me a favor. Get out of my life and leave me alone like you did four years ago. Forget me which I think you already did and know that I will never remember you."

Then I turned around finally and got out of the restaurant without even having anything to eat. His assistant, Mr. Okazaki offered me a ride, but I refused it politely. I just wanted to go to that little apartment of mine, cuddle up inside my old blanket, block out the this reality and sleep.

And that's what I did after I reached my home one hour later without any more interruptions.


A/N: How are you guys doing? This was the 11th chap for ya. How do you like it?  \*(^__^)*/

By the way, check out this amazing story named "The Angel's Cry" by eemchow . It's afanfictionanfiction and it's so freaking wonderful!!! LIKE DAMN GOOD! ♡__♡ She is a brilliant writer and I'm sure you guys will love it, really :) Check it out if you got time, kay?

Sometimes I wish I could track down all those silent readers out there and give them a bone crushing hug! Thank you for supporting me :) Your comments really makes my day so don't be shy to leave one. Even a very small one ♡♡

And don't forget to vote if you liked it.  ☆__☆


|| By my leave ||

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