Chapter 41: Rat

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"If you sew up her mouth, you won't be able to hear her screams. Isn't that your favorite thing?"

The voice was familiar though my line of sight was blocked by the brown haired girl. I tried to lessen my trembling and tried not to whimper so loudly but my body didn't seem to understand my intentions. 

Haruka seemed to ponder over the statement for a moment. "You know what? I think you're right." Her hands left my lips which were sewed at the corner by one stitch with the red thread. She harshly pulled the needle off my lips and I tasted that salty, cold, metallic taste of blood on my tongue. She smiled at me and backed off a little.

"Close that mouth, darling, will you? You look a bit ghastly." Hearing the new voice, I looked up. If I was at my normal state, I would've gasped in shock but I wasn't. Whatever my current state was, it wasn't normal, and I didn't gasp in shock. 

Instead I just looked dead in the eye of Tsunada. 

"S-so you were the snitch?" I asked.

"Of course, it was me, darling." She let out a maniacal laugh. "After you've stolen my man from me, you thought I would've let you go that easily?"

"Y-your man?" I stammered out. "W-who is y--"

"SHU!!" She screamed at my face. "SHU DENVER!! SHU FUCKING DENVER, YOU BITCH!"

This time my eyes widened in shock. "W-what? But--"

She cut me off once again by landing a hard slap on my face. The sound echoed inside the room and followed by Haruka's hysterical laugh. My skin was stinging painfully.

These two girls in front of me, whom I considered friends all these time, suddenly I couldn't recognize them. They were recreating the same scene I used to see once every single day. They were making my nightmares come true once again.

"I have been loving him for all these years. Silently, unconditionally. And you think you can suddenly just saunter between us and steal him away from me? I LOVED HIM! I LOVE HIM, DON'T YOU SEE?!" She screamed, droplets of her spit splattered on my face.

"But y-you never said anything about it." I said, the pain on my cheek started burning. "I t-thought you had a b-boyfriend?"

"You called yourself my friend and you can't even figure it out by yourself?" She sneered. "Shu was the guy I've always loved."

"You really have rotten luck with friends, don't you Ena?" Haruka from behind Tsunada mocked. 

"And with boyfriends!" Tsunada mocked. 

"And with husbands!" Haruka added gleefully. 

My head fell down as I stared at my lap. Tears started streaming down my face as my vision blurred.

"Oh, look, look, she's finally breaking!" Tsunada said cheerfully, pointing at me.

Haruka clapped her hands and came forward. She came in front of me and lifted my face holding my chin. She wiped off my blood from my ripped lips and gilded that bloody hand on my tear stained cheek.

"Don't start crying just yet, Ena. We haven't started yet." She whispered. Then her cherry red lips stretched into a wide, crooked grin.

Tsunada jumped up and down on her spot and clapped her hands. "This is gonna be so much fun! And Ena, none of your knight in shining armor is going to rescue you again!"

Haruka's face was still in front of mine as she slowly took out a silver knife from her pocket. She was still grinning at me. "This is for Shinosuke."

I let out an agonizing scream when she started curving on skin, near my collarbone.  I kept screaming and screaming while Tsunada in the background started singing. I couldn't make out the words or lyrics of the song but the tune sounded very familiar. Her humming in the background faded away as I slowly slipped out of consciousness. 


A/N: A long awaited but short chapter. This book is ending, like only three or four chapters are left.

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||By my leave||

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