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Mark point of view

This leg is really killing me.

" AH.... slowly " I shouted loudly in pain holding my leg. While doctor bandaging my wound. While min seated beside me on bed holding my hand.

" I think it's facture it's better him to take rest for few days " doctor said and stood up. Min got up and nodded. As the doctor went off. Min turn around and gave a angry look.

" Are you kid ? How can you slip in bathroom ? How am I going to answer to media ? It's our honeymoon they will.... " Before she speak something.

" If they think that I am not that strong to make you..... "

" Stop!!!! I know what you are saying. Just keep quiet. " She said rubbing her hair in anger. I smiled myself.

Suddenly my phone begin to ring. It's Peter. I gave a look at min.

" Go out " I said looking at her.

" Huh ? You mean I go out. What you think about yourself ? You know I am....... " Before she speak.

" Hey do you want to see me changing my clothes ? " I said in anger.

" Oh sorry!! " She said and went off. While I picked the call. 

" Yes... " I said on phone.

" BASTARD !!!!! Till how many days are you going to celebrate your honeymoon ? Just let her drink the alcohol and sign the documents.  And also make her pregnant. When you leave she will literally die due to embrassment " he shouted on phone. While I hold the bed sheet tightly in anger.

" We are returning tommorow. I am going to make her life a hell wait and see " I said on phone and cut off in anger. And throwed the phone angrily on ground. Min came running inside the room.

" What happened ? " She asked looking at me.

You are here to hate her. You are here to protect her not to love her.

" Come here " I said calmly in anger.

" Huh ? " She just looked at me in confused.

" COME HERE " I raised my voice in anger. She shivered in a second and came and sat at the edge of the bed. The minute she got seated I pulled her wrist and pushed  her to my face closely.

" M_ark..... " She said in scared.

Hate me.... Just hate me...

" Remove my buttons " I said looking at her. She looked at me shockingly. Already a tear rolledin her eyes.

" Mark..... What happened ? " She asked me silently.

" JUST DO AS I SAY " I shouted again. She ran her hands towards my button and started to remove it. As she removed my shirt. Tears rolling in her eyes.

" Remove your top " I said looking at her. The word made her jump her heart.

" What ? We already did it. Why acting shy in front of me ? " I said to her angrily. 

" Why are doing this ? I know we like to fight but this one is out of extent " she said in tears. Holding her dress tightly. I gave a look at her hold.

" What is this ? " I asked looking at our wedding ring. She gave a look.

" Wedding ring " she said looked at me.

" Then what am I to you ?" I asked her angrily.

" H_usband " she said in her sobs.

" Good then what the husband and wife do on there wedding night ? " I asked looking at her. She remained silent. And dropped her head down.

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