chapter -2

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Min point of view

He escaped from prison.

That's why mark didn't left me this past 5 months.

I stood there sweating and shivering.

" Huge belly " He said looking at my belly. I hold my belly with my hand. Tears started flowing down my cheek.

Mark where are you ?

" It's so disappointing that I can't able to sleep with you " He said looking at me disgustingly.

" Please..... Leave me " I begged in front of him. In a second he placed his hand on my stomach. My eyes widen in shock.

He is going to hurt my baby.

" No!!! " I yelled loudly.

" SILENCE " He yelled loudly. My heart skipped for a beat. I pressed my lips tightly to not near a sound. Tears flowing down my cheek.

" Come here " He said and pulled my wrist. He dragged me to sofa. And made me sit on it. He sat beside me.

" Kiss me " He said looking at me disgustingly. My eyes widen in shock.

" You know I can't have sex with you. But.... You know how crazy I am to get your body " He said coming closer to me.

" You.... Are my father " I said in tears.

" Father ? I never thought you as daughter. I only see you as my sex doll " He said and in a second he ripped my shirt and my breast is visible to him. He keeps on looking at my breast. He slowly placed his hand on my bare shoulder.

Mark point of view

As I reached office.

My assistant came running to me.

" Sir.... Sir.... " He said out of breath.

" Calm down. Slowly " i said to him.

" Sir.... Madam is in danger " He said. He eyes widen in shock.

" What do you mean ? " I asked.

" Sir, Peter came here. He Blackmailed us to call you or he will kill us. He is now at your home. " He said. In a second I got inside the car and started to drive fastly.

I know. I know this will happen. He will harm my baby and min.

I quickly called the police.

The minute I reached home. As I entered into the home. I seen the jack uncle lie down dead and blood is all over the floor. My eyes widen in shock. I ran to him.

" Uncle.... Uncle " i started call him. Tears flowing down my cheek. It's useless because he is already dead.

Min... Where is min ?

I started to look around. I ran upstairs. I ran towards our bedroom.

" My baby " I heard a sound of a man.  I slowly looked inside. I literally shocked to see the view there.

I seen min naked in front of him. There is no piece of cloth on her. I seen gun on Peter's hand. Peter pointed his gun on min's belly.

I am about to go.

" You said if I be naked you will not kill my baby " Min said in tears. In a second I ran inside. Peter stood up. While min started to cry seeing me. I pulled the blanket and quickly covered her. I hugged her tightly. She is literally crying badly in my arms.

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