The Future

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Major time jump in this chapter.... In Aubrey's POV 😁

"Mom?" She turned around and smiled at me. "Yeah?" I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Now was the time to do this. I'm seventeen. What's the big deal?

"I don't know how you're going to react to this but I just want to let you know that I'm gay." I kept my eyes closed, waiting for a response.

"What?" Here it was. I was gonna die. "I didn't hear you, hun. What did you say?" I have to say it again? I barely had enough bravery to say it the first time.

"I like girls, mom." This time she dropped everything she was doing and gave me her full attention. "Are you sure?" I nodded shyly and took a deep breath.

She shrugged. "Okay. You can like whatever you want to like. Its 2034. People do all types of crazy stuff. Im just glad you told me instead of me having to find out." I smiled and went around to counter to hug her.

My mom was so understanding. We had a really close bond. I dont know why I was so scared. Its Dad I have to worry about.

My phone rung so I answered it. "Hey, M.....Yeah, let me just ask my mom.....No I'm not sneaking out.....Okay."

"Mom, can I go hang out with Kenzie?" She nodded so I grabbed my keys and drove over to her house. I parked my car in her drive way and got out, locking the door.

Since me and M have known eachother since we were two, we practically lived at eachother's houses. I unlocked the door and walked in. She was sitting on the couch in basketball shorts and a baggy t-shirt.

I closed the door behind me and locked it. "Sarah, home?" She shook her head and continued watching tv. I plopped down on the couch next to her and slung my legs over hers.

"What'd you wanna talk to me about?" She paused the movie and looked at me like she was scared.

"I like you, Bre. Like romantically." Damn. She got straight to the point.

"Are you for real? Cause you like to prank people." She looked me directly in my eyes and said it again.

I looked around for camera's. "M. Don't play with me." I got up and started moving stuff to make sure there wasn't any camera's.

"I'm being for real, Bre. Let me prove it." I folded my arms and looked at her. "How?" She came over to me and wrapped her arms around my waist, pulling me closer to her. Then she kissed me. Not one of those peck type kisses either.

This was one of those passionate kisses. A kiss that gives you tingles. A kiss that leaves you suprised as hell afterwards.

That's what I was. Surprised. She was being serious. "Okay. Since you're serious why did you decide to tell me now?" She wiped my bottom lip with her thumb and bit hers.

"I've liked you since we were eleven. I didn't know what it was up until when we were 15. You had a boyfriend so I thought you were straight. And then when this boy asked you out the other day but you said you liked girls. I was like 'This my chance.' So here we are." I smiled at her and wrapped my arms around her neck.

"Well Im glad you told me because Ive had a crush on you since we were eleven too." She chuckled and kissed me again.

I kissed back fully this time and she asked me to be her girlfriend. I obviously said yes and we chilled for the rest of the night until my mom called.


"Hey, Mackenzie." They hugged and I helped her cook while they talked. We told her about us being a couple and she said how happy she was for us.

Around 8 o'clock dad came home. I told him and he took it surprisingly well. "Good. You won't get pregnant anytime soon." We all laughed and ate.

He talked to M alone while I helped mom clean up. "Who would've thought? My daughter dating her best friend." I stopped putting the dishes and looked at her.

"That's a good thing right?" She nodded and continued to clean up. "Are you sure that you and Dad are okay with me liking girls? Everything is too happy." She also stopped cleaning and looked at me.

She grabbed my hands and smiled at me. "We're happy if you're happy. You're almost eighteen. Plus, we like her." I smiled and sighed. "Good because I see our future being bright." We went back to cleaning.

Kenzie came back to the kitchen and picked me up from behind. "Mackenzie, no!"

Nova's POV

"Mackenzie, no!" Aubrey screamed and I looked over at her played with the dart guns I had bought her for christmas.

"Girls, stop playing in the house and come eat." Dee set down their plates on the table and they ran over. "Thanks mom." Mackenzie was stuffing her face with the food and Aubrey was laughing.

"What year is it?" Dee looked at me like I was crazy. "Its 2028, babe. Are you okay?" I nodded and walked into the living room. Was I day dreaming?

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