Chapter 03

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Chapter 03:

The Longing For The City

Lucie thought that where the Carstairs were staying was amazing.

Sure, the London Institute and the Herondale manor in Wales were both amazing, but this home overlooked London perfectly, giving people a view of the large city and the boats slowly coming to a halt in it's ports.

Lucie stood beside Cordelia Carstairs, her parabatai. They both stood in front of Cordelia's room's wide window, admiring the view. Lucie could see Cordelia push her short red hair behind her ears out of the corner of her eye, but the eat of her attention went to admiring the city.

When Lucie had been a little girl, she had always anticipated the days her mother and father would have to leave their family manor to travel to the city. It would usually be to visit their parents friends, but she never minded, since their friends had children who had turned into Lucie's own friends.

She had always loved the vibe of the big city, filled with many people and lots of buildings and just so much fun things to do.

"I don't know how you love it here." Cordelia turned on her heels and walked over to her bed. She flopped down onto it and sighed. "It's just so dirty."

"Nonsense." Lucie dropped down beside Cordelia. "You just haven't found the beautiful things yet."

A knock came from the room's door. "Cordy?" a voice said from behind the door. "May I enter?"

"Yes." Cordelia called out, flipping around onto her stomach so she could see who came threw the door. Lucie did the same and watched as the door opened and a man entered.

The man was tall, yet still looked shorter than her own brother, and looked impeccably clean. His blue suit was well made and buttoned tightly and his blond hair was brushed away from his face, allowing the features of his face to show off better; chiseled jaw and defined cheekbones. His black eyes were the same color as his sister's, who just so happened to be sitting right beside Lucie.

"Hello, Alastair." Cordelia smiled at her brother, who nodded at her before his eyes locked onto Lucie, who had already jumped to her feet, her cheeks red with color.

"Hello, Cordy." Alastair's voice was warm. His eyes were still on Lucie, though. "I just came up to tell you dinner shall be ready shortly. Will Lucie be joining us?" He inclined his head towards Lucie.

Cordelia glanced back at her parabatai, who's cheeks were still flaming. "Are you alright?"

What Lucie wished to say was "no," but she simply nodded. She wondered how Alastair could keep such a stony face, knowing that Lucie's father wished for her to marry him, given that Alastair was a Carstairs and her father had very tight ties with the family.

She had expected at least a little blush. But nothing.

"So, shall you stay for dinner?" Alastair asked, eyebrow raised.

Lucie shook her head but then, noticing how impolite she was being, spoke. "Pardon me, but I can't. My family has planned for me to come home for dinner already."

"Very well." Alastair stepped aside so the doorway was clear and gestured with a hand. "I shall show you both out."

Cordelia got to her feet and strolled across the room and out the door, followed by Lucie and Alastair, who shut the door silently behind them.

The halls in the home were wide but easy to travel through. Alastair sped up slightly, so he could take the lead, and brought the girls to the front door of the home.

Lucie smiled at Cordelia before hugging her good-bye. After the gesture, she opened the front door and heard Alastair speak. "One of our servants shall take you home in one of our carriages."

"But what about-" Lucie started, but was cut off by Alastair.

"I sent your carriage home. The driver seemed to be tiring of waiting for you. Knowing you would be here for a while, I sent him away and prepared ours for when you decided to leave."

Lucie made a quiet "hmph" sound without opening her mouth. "That was very kind of you."

"Thank you." Alastair bowed slightly and smiled at Lucie once he straightened up again. "I hope you have a safe trip home."

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