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Have you watched 13 Reasons Why?
You should do it!
It's phenomenal!

I really like Justin!😍

But I still can't understand why is Clay in the tapes while it's so obvious that they both are in love with each other and he is not one of the reasons of the suicide..😕

Whatever, I've watched only the first 7 series so.. Yeah.. I will know soon.. 😅

Sent 07:39 PM

Sorry, i don't know what happened to me last day but look's like I've had some attack but now I am fine, I guess..

Sent 07:43 PM


I just went trough the messages and there is "hi" at the other side. Idk.. Anyone here can play some stupid game with me, but whoever it is.. Better stop! I don't want heart attack too!

If that is Shawn for real, but I don't know anymore, I love u ❤

Sent 07:50 PM

Seen 08:01 PM

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