Chapter 6

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So sorry everyone, I accidently posted chapter 7 instead of 6 at first, but this is now updated as the real chapter 6!! lol. This is my fav chapter so far so I hope you guys enjoy!!!


My opening in Chicago went better than the last few, maybe because the fans hadn't seen anymore pictures of me drunk or with Harry since the one incident. I hated it. I hated not being able to do anything in public without feeling like I'd get put in some kind of article or Twitter drama just because I was even more linked to Harry now. And now I felt like I couldn't even talk to him in public, and I knew he felt the same. Our friendship had changed within the past two weeks and I was more than upset. It seemed almost every other day Harry would make some sort of effort to talk to me and be friendly, but that was only behind closed doors. And then I didn't exist to him anywhere else. What was he doing? Why was he so on and off with me? He was toying with my emotions - whether he was meaning to or not - and I was over it.

When I got off stage, the energy I had felt performing quickly dissipated as I realized it was another night of not seeing Harry watching from the side of the stage and congratulating me after. He had done that for every show, until very recently.

I was back in my hotel room alone, wishing Katy hadn't gone back to school so soon. It was getting late and I was exhausted yet again, but I laid back on my bed with a smile on my face: today I had gotten the news that my album was #1 in a few countries. I was living in the world I had always dreamed of as a kid. Actually, it was even better. I had never guessed I would be doing this good so soon. I felt so proud of myself.

I tried to push any Harry thoughts out of my mind and focus on my recent successes, but that was hard to do as soon as I saw his name pop up on my phone screen.

I waited a few minutes until I read his text: Can you come to my room? I'm in 1207.

I was about to type back that I was going to bed, which wasn't a complete lie, but then I got a second text from him, starting out with three sad face emojis, and then: Pleaseeeeee. Xx

I sighed, feeling my heart swell a bit. I couldn't say no. I didn't answer his text, I just slipped out of my room in my sweats and took the elevator up a few floors, walking down the quiet hallway and tapping my knuckles against his door.

He practically opened the door before I could even take my fist away. I laughed, "That was fast."

He smirked at me, moving aside from the entrance and putting his hand out, inviting me in. As I walked by, he lifted his hand, pretending to tip his invisible hat. He then shut the door. I gave him a weird look, trying to laugh at how goofy he was being, "What are you doing?"

He shrugged, "I'm just happy."

"Yeah?" I stood awkwardly in the middle of his room, not knowing if I should sit on the bed or not.

"Yeah!" He turned away from me, opening his mini fridge and producing a bottle of champagne.

"What's that for?" I questioned him, my eyebrows raising.

He held it out to me, moving closer, "You! For your album being number one!"

I smiled, despite my mind telling me to give him the silent treatment. "Thanks, Harry."

Harry frowned, retracting the bottle a bit, noticing something was off. "What's wrong?"

I looked at him, trying to figure out what to say. 

He put the large bottle down. Then he extended his hand to me. I hesitated first, but his eyes made me feel safe, and I took his hand. He lead me to the edge of his bed, both of us sitting down together, our thighs resting against each other's. Harry slowly spoke in his deep voice, "You can talk to me, Cam."

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