Chapter 28

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I really apologize for a late update... but I was busy going to Harry's concerts ;)

Btw I'm dedicating this chapter to @harryspoutinee because I've noticed she enjoys the nicknames they have for each other and this chappy is full of 'em at the end!!


THIS CHAPTER'S SONG – I Don't Want to Miss a Thing by Aerosmith


Harry's hands snuck around my waist, and I felt his cheek rub against my ear. "You ready, my love?"

I told him I was more than ready, though inside I was shaking with nerves. I zipped my suitcase with what I hoped appeared as confidence.

"You'll be fine, darling, I swear." He saw right through my acting. He always did.

I let out the breath I didn't know I'd been holding in.

"Hey, look at me."

I turned and I did.

"They're seriously going to love you. Anyway, it's like they already know you with how much I talk to them about you."

I wanted to act surprised, ask if he really talked about me all the time to them, but I knew he did. Simply because I'd been pretty much living with him for a month, with a couple days of breaks here and there for both of our careers or just because Katy got lonely. Since I'd spent so much time here, though, of course I'd overheard him on the phone with Gemma or Anne almost every night – and each time I heard my name come up. More than a few times.

"Okay?" He squished me against him.

I genuinely felt much better with his words and his touch, "Okay."


I slept through most of the trip, as I hadn't gotten much sleep the night before because of the nerves. Harry also slept most of the plane ride, as he had also not slept much because he was always anxious when I was. I tried to hide it as best as I could for his sake, but he always knew somehow – no matter how well I thought I was faking perfection in the category of mental health.

After the plane ride, Harry insisted on carrying his own luggage as well as half of mine, even despite my attempts to steal two of my bags back from him. He always jumped out of the way of my reach. Halfway out of the airport, we'd just made it into a game, which he won every time, of course.

He smirked at me, happy with himself for his victories. I just rolled my eyes, and I knew if he didn't have his hands full he would've hugged me, but he just settled for scolding me: "Hey, don't roll your eyes at me. You're only allowed to do that in bed."

I snorted at his reference to how good he made me feel, but I put a finger to my lips to signal him to shut up, as we were in public. He just chuckled, his dimples prominent.

When I looked up and saw Gemma walking toward us, my cheeks got red. I hoped she hadn't heard that.

I figured she didn't because her gorgeous smile was bright and wide as she attacked her baby brother with a hug and a ruffling of his hair, then moved to collect some of the luggage from his arms.

"Thanks," Harry sighed, shoulders and all. "Cam made me carry all of them."

My jaw dropped at him, "Oh my God. I did not. I swear I tried to carry my bags-"

Gemma just laughed, "Camryn, I believe you." She moved my way to hug me, too. "He's rather annoying, isn't he?"

Harry's "Heeeey!" echoed in the background as Gemma engulfed me in a hug almost as warm as one of Harry's.

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