Chapter One

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        Hello everyone, my name is Adelynn. I'm just an average high-school girl with good grades, a very very small group of friends, and an identical twin sister who just so happens to be pretty much the exact opposite - yet same - of me. Arriving to school early in the morning and leaving late at night after a few hours of dance practice is what I do on a daily basis, even sometimes on the weekends. I thought it's what I'd be doing forever, but today so much changed. Let me tell you how it all started.

~~~ Earlier that day ~~~

        "ADELYNN! We're going to be late for school and we still need to eat breakfast! Hurry your butt up!" Raina, my twin, yells at me before running down the retractable stairs from our loft room, no doubt gathering food for school today and making a small breakfast for the both of us. Groaning, I place my book aside and get out of bed, careful not to make my small pile of stuffed animals fall over. Walking down the ladder to the floor of our room, I check myself one last time in the mirror and hear a shriek from downstairs and a crash as something - probably a pot, knowing Raina - banged on the floor. Hefting my backpack on my shoulder, I make my way downstairs to find a pile of random food items by my seat at the kitchen table and Raina hovering over the stove making some French toast for breakfast.

        "Good morning~" I sing as I walk over to the counter and chop up a few apples for later in the day. Raina gives me a small nod, turning back to the stove completely focused on the French toast. As Raina finishes the French toast, I pack up the apples in two separate bags and add a couple of granola bars to our lunch boxes. Just before I'm able to pull out some strawberries to go along with the meal, the kitchen timer goes off signaling that it's time to leave for school. Both of us jump about a foot into the air and run around to put everything in our backpacks.

        "Time to go! Mom, Dad, we're just taking the French toast for later! Love you!" Raina yells as we sprint to the door. As soon as we open the door, however, we abruptly end our sprint and casually walk out the door as if nothing had ever happened and all was right with the world. Checking both ways to make sure no one saw us running out of the house, I smile at Raina before slamming face-first into a lamp post on the sidewalk. Right as I land on my butt, I hear snickers coming across the street.

        "Wow Adelynn, and just when I thought you couldn't get any more clumsy." Céleste and her friends Élodie and Manon take a moment to stop walking and laugh at me before turning away and continuing the walk to school. Raina sighs and helps me off the ground before patting my back and leading me away from the pole.

        "You okay Adelynn?" She asks me once we walk for a few minutes. I nod, shrieking when something attacks me from behind.

        "Good morning girls!" Arielle sings into my ear. I shove her off before laughing when I see the look on Raina's face - pure and utter confusion.

        "Arielle, where did you even come from? I didn't hear you come up from behind us!" Raina scolds before snickering behind her hand. Arielle just shrugs and links arms with the both of us, briskly walking across the street.

        "No time for chit-chat ladies, we're going to be late for school if we don't hurry up!" The walking turns into a jog and then into a run. I hear the bell ringing in the distance as we sprint the final distance to the school grounds, making our way up the steps two at a time. Just as I'm about to go through the front door, I see an old man struggling to pick up the cane he seemed to have dropped.

        "You guys go ahead, I'll be right back. Tell the teacher I'm in the bathroom or something." I say and turn around, running back down the stairs and over to the old man. "Here you go sir." As I hand him the cane, he gives me a warm smile before taking my hand in his and shaking it, nodding his head as if to say 'thank you.' I smile back and then proceed to dash back up the stairs and to my class. I wait outside the classroom, staring at Raina to signal when it is safe for me to come in undetected by the teacher. After a few minutes, Mr. Montehugh finally turns his back to the door to pick up his attendance list and Raina waves me over. I sprint over to my desk just in time as the teacher turns back around.

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