6• A Visit To The University

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John lay on Sherlocks bed, Sherlock's arms around him. John nuzzled into his neck, his lips kissing each part of it. Sherlock smiled lightly, pulling away and resting his chin on the top of John's head. "What now?" He asked, quietly.

"Hmm." Sherlock hummed. "We could go see Gavin at his university?" He suggested.

"Who's Gavin?" John asked, quickly whipping up his head, making Sherlock jump.

"Gavin." Sherlock replied, confused. "Gavin Lestrade...?"

"Greg!" John chuckled, resting his head on Sherlocks chest. "His name it's Greg."

"No it's not; is it?" He asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Yes Sherlock." John smiled. He could feel Sherlock breathing, small, light breaths. "Lets go." He said, tearing his head off of Sherlock and grabbing his stuff.

"Don't." Sherlock said, taking his hand. "You can spend the night here." This made shivers run down John's spine in excitement. A whole night with him.

"Thanks." John said, taking his hand away and grasping the back of Sherlocks neck, resting his forehead on Sherlocks.

"Anything for you." Sherlock smiled, and opened the door. He could here Mycroft getting yelled at next door, and he deduced he was next. "On second thoughts..." He said, his smile fading. "Lets go out the window."


"What happened there?" John asked.

"Nothing." Sherlock replied, looking around cautiously. "Put this on and hold on tight." Sherlock smirked, chucking John a helmet and pulling out a motorbike from the ivy covered shed.

"Wow! Sherlock! You never told me!" John said, his eyes wide.

"You never asked." Smiled Sherlock. "Hold my waist." He instructed, starting the bike. "Baskerville University is about ten minuets away."

John held on to Sherlock, slowly moving his hands closer together so they were completely around Sherlocks waist. John hadn't noticed how muscular Sherlock was. He let the wind hit his face and smiled. This is the life he wanted. Fast and unforgiving, with Sherlock.

They arrived at Baskerville University at 10:30. Sherlock, to John's surprise, knew exactly where he was going, to get to Greg's dorm, that he was sharing with another guy. Sherlock knocked patiently on the door and waited for it to open. When it did, a man with brown hair and a ridiculous fringe opened the door. He raised his eyebrows when the door opened. "Who are you?" He asked, rudely. John was about to open his mouth to speak when Sherlock answered for him.

"Oh you know who I am, Anderson." He said bitterly. "I always see you and that Donovan girl hanging around crime scenes, and if you know the crime, you'll know who solves them."

Anderson sighed heavily and blocked the doorway. "Your not coming in, Freak." John raised his eyebrows at Anderson's words.

"Don't worry John. Anderson just used his only insult for me. He's intimidated by my deduction skills." Sherlock deduced aloud.

"Intimidated!?" Anderson laughed humourlessly, his eyes panicking. "By you and your freaky talents."

"You sad little man." John said shaking his head. "Where's Greg?"

"He's with Irene Adler in her room, three doors down." Anderson said, closing the door in the pairs face.

"Nice guy then." John muttered sarcastically. "You know him?"

"Oh he does training for his forensic degree on some of the crime scenes I work on." Sherlock said, casually knocking on Irene's door.

"What!?" Came a yell that John identified with Mary.

"It's Sherlock!" Sherlock yelled back.

"Quiet!" Anderson yelled.

"Shut up!" Sherlock yelled back. Mary opened the door and her mouth became an O as she saw John.

"Your not supposed to be here!" She laughed hugging him. Irene, Greg and Molly were equally surprised. All of them threw their arms around John.


"Why'd you go to Sherlock first?" Molly asked, after John told everyone that Harrie didn't know he was back. They were sitting in between Mary and Irene's beds, on a rug. They ate various foods in little bowls and drank numerous brands of beer.

"Well..." John said, taking a deep breath. "We're... Sort of together."

"Awh!" Molly cooed.

"Good on you both." Greg smiled.

"Oh my god! That's awesome!" Mary said, clapping her hands. "That's awesome isn't it Irene!"

"I ship it." Molly whispered to Greg. He laughed.

"Yeah nice." Irene said, facing the door. "I'll be right back."

Irene ran down the hallway, the back of her hand covering her mouth; tears brimming at her eyes. Damn it.

Sherlock was hers. It was so unfair! She had flirted with him! No, flirted at him. But as soon as John left he loved him! It was crazy. Well that was it. Screw the university. Screw Mary and Molly.

Irene was going too. Screw everything. John would pay. And she knew exactly who would help her do it.

She picked up her phone and shakily dialed the number.

"Hi Jim." She breathed out.



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