12• His First Vow

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HERE IT IS! The long awaited wedding chapter! Sorry for the wait guys I hope you enjoy!


Molly pushed John up to the isle. He hissed at her and watched as Sherlock hugged Irene and Lestrade as they sat down. The music stopped for a few seconds, and then came back on again. Janine put her arm on John's and Molly did the same. John shook uncontrollably. He hoped Sherlock liked his bloody birthday present for all these nerves he felt. Sherlock stood proud and tall at the front of all these people. All these amazing people John had met in his life. Mrs Hudson sat in the front pew, crying already. John smiled as he felt Molly and Janine start to walk. He wasn't nervous anymore. He knew this was a good idea. He knew this was right.

Sherlock had the growing urge to look behind him as he felt about 50 pairs of eyes on him. It was a small wedding. He loved it. He felt John move closer as the music slowed. His heart raced, beating out of his chest. He resisted chewing his fingernails, as had become a habit when he was nervous, which wasn't often. He felt a presence next to him. He turned his head and saw the most amazing sight he had ever seen. John.

His eyes seemed to betray him. This was his? All this? John's blonde hair wasn't styled, his beautiful eyes unstrained and unstressed. He wore a white wedding tux, matching to Sherlocks only smaller. Sherlock thought back to the day he realised he was deeply and unconditionally in love with John. He remembered how much he had wanted to hold him, how much he wanted John to be his and only his. Sherlock smiled, he wasn't nervous anymore. He knew this was right. This was everything to him.

John smiled so widely he thought his face was going to tear. This was his Sherlock! All his! He would be gazing into those same eyes for the rest of his life. He would be caressing those same cheeks until he died. He would be in love with this same man for ever.

The wedding began.

"John, I do believe you have vows." The woman who was marrying the two said. John took a deep breath.

"Sherlock. From the very first day I met you, I knew you were special. So special." John giggled. "You once told me you weren't a hero. There were times when I didn't think you were human but you were always my hero. Sometimes" John started to tear up, "sometimes I was so alone, and I owe you so much. Love, these are my first vows. I hope I've done okay." This was followed by titters from the crowd. He looked into Sherlocks eyes. They were warm and comforting. "And I want you- need you- to know that If All Else Fails, you will always have me." John slipped the silver ring onto Sherlocks finger. Sherlock admired how it fit so perfectly, and how John had taken the time to notice Sherlocks fingers. For some odd reason, Sherlock remembered the time John had messed with him whilst he was in his mind palace.


- It had been a tedious and rather tiresome day, that day. Sherlock was trying desperately to work out how the letter M was relevant to an 'unnamed psychopath' escaping a mental institution. It didn't help that the question of the first male carrier was still bugging at his mind.

John had just got back from Tescos, (which is like Target for all you uneducated Americans out there! :D) and saw Sherlock concentrating hard. He kissed him good morning as he always did, though it was just a peck on his cheekbones. John decided to have some fun. He had just brought a carton of eggs that would go off soon, and there were way too many for the pair to eat alone. John took six of the twelve eggs out of the carton, separated Sherlocks hands just a little (he never noticed anything whilst in his mind palace) and placed them a little pyramid between his hands. Then he waited. Sherlock could be in his mind palace for hours. Days, even. But John knew it would be worth it. After waiting for half an hour, he decided to make some dinner. He was hungry, so very hungry. He knew Sherlock wouldn't be, but John could make Sherlock eat. He had his ways.

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